Chapter Six : Where Have You Been

Start from the beginning

The lightning mage sighed and took another swig of his drink.
"...I...never really let go of my feelings for him. Maybe they dulled over the years but as soon as I saw him, there it was, like they all came back and it was like I fell in love all over again."

"That much, huh?" Bix seemed a little taken aback by the declaration of love for the greenette.

"Well, yeah. I never really went after him back then because; one, I didn't want Mira to freak at me dumping her-" "Even though you did it the day after you slept with Freed-" "Bix it-!...It was the season and she was coming onto me." Bixlow held his hands up in defense and went quiet so the other could continue. "Anyway, another reason was because I wasn't comfortable with myself, I didn't know I was Bi, and feeling so attracted to Freed made me confused, especially as I was still shaking off my fathers influence. I guess, I always suspected that what I did was just because I was attracted to the smell of Freed. I wanted to confess to him the next day, I really did, but he was gone. I tried to move on for so long, tried new relationships with so many people, so many one night stands. Ever tried to hook me up with so many people, even more when she found out I was Bi. You don't want to know how." Laxus shivered and flushed a little at the memory. Evergreen had walked in on him balls deep in some cute guy from his club. It wasn't pretty, no matter what she said.

Bixlow had perked up at the mention of their old friend. He hadn't seen her since the end of school either. She went to college, while Bix had gone on to an apprenticeship and Laxus went straight into work. He thought Laxus would have lost contact with her too. They could talk about that another time though.

"I get it. I really do. You dont havee to say anymore man. I'll talk to Freed about speaking to you or maybe at least seeing you." He thought a little as he pushed his spiky blue hair back into its styled look. "He could never stop thinking about you either, he gets upset on many anniversaries because they make him think of you. Its not becasue you upset him-well not compleatly. He may not fully believe it, but he has feeling for you too." Laxus looked to his old friend in surprise, but he just winked at him from behind his glasses and took another swig from his bottle. Laxus was rendered speechless from his kindness and could only give him one of his rare, truly happy smiles, the ones he only got when thinking about and seeing or thinking about his friends and their good times. His smiles were so rare they were mostly when he was on his loansome.

"Moving on-" the seith mage sat up and leaned over to put his empty bottle on the table as the start of their new subject. "What have you been doing all this time man! I haven't seen you in years! You know I got a toy company now, a pretty non existent love life, and a place that my mom's basement can't even touch, what's the story with you?"

The thunder dragon chuckled at his friend, really focusing his thoughts so he could remember what he'd been doing with himself these past years.

"Well...after school I went straight into Bar work. First as a glass collector, then a bouncer, then a Bartender. In the meantime I was messing round with music programs and taught myself to make digital music and stuff. I moved to a Bartender job in a club instead of a bar, and after some time I asked the boss to let me play some stuff and people really liked it, so he let me DJ more often and slowly kinda took me under his wing, showing me how to work everything. One night some druggie shot him and it turned out he wrote me into his will as the owner of the club and so I re-named it and invested myself into club 'Fairy Tail', to make it the best club in magnolia. It's really popular and it's actually how I found out where Freed was." He took the others look of suprise and intrest to tell the story that gave hom such information. "It was during a DJ change while I was in the back. Natsu, of corse, broke down the door and started yelling at me. There was a little bit of fist fighting but Gray held him back. An explanation later and after working up the courage, there I am at Freed's house with the door slammed in my face." He groans and rubs his face as if it had actually hit him. "And I got us back where we started."

When he thought about it, Laxus really wasn't having a good day. He didn't even get to see his kid who he'd missed so much of the life of.
"...what's her name?" He beat Bixlow to it, interrupting him before he could reply. "Natsu said something in his rant. Windy?" He raised his head to look at Bixlow for help.

With any hope of changing the subject gone, Bix took the new bottles of beer off his totem doll's heads, offering one to Laxus who only just noticed his was empty.
"Wendy. Sweet girl, long blue hair. Politest and cutest thing you've ever seen I'd say, and she's really strong too. You'll never guess what kind of magic she uses" Laxus shrugged, not having thought much about the possibilities. "Sky dragon slayer magic."

If Laxus was drinking he would have choked, again.
"Dragon slayer? Really?! Fuck...I really don't know anything about her...I missed so much! If I was there for her maybe I could have taught her...fuck..." The lightning dragon was brought to mourning for the lost years he could have had if he hadn't made a mistake one night. It was horrible to think about, knowing he could have been there for a real family. It made him miss Freed even more.

Bixlow wanted to say something to make the other man feel better, but a call on his phone pulled him away from the situation as he quickly stood up and answered it. Laxus was left to his thoughts. Did she look more like Freed or him? Or both? Or neither?! If she looked like him would Freed be happy or upset or would he not care? How much had he hurt both of them without even knowing? The thoughts swirled in his head, so many and so fast that he didn't notice the duration or end of Bixlow's call.
"Look dude, I have to go deal with an 'insubordinate' at one of my factories. Hope you don't mind me ending this so quick or me kicking you out, but business is business and there's not really much more I can say. I'll talk to Freed and see if he'll at least let you meet him and Wendy. As just a family friend if that's what it takes. Sound good?"

Laxus thought it sounded better than giving up so he took the offer with a nod and finished his drink, walking with Bixlow towards the door. The totems seemed to be a little excited for the trip out, which kind of disturbed Laxus when he though about what they could possibly be excited for.


After directing Bixlow to a good place to drop him off Laxus got out, a little surprised at Bixlow getting out too and approaching him.
"Before you go, man, I just got one thing I promised myself I'd do."

Laxus raised an eyebrow

Bixlow's smirk grew and he patted one of his totems as if he was giving them a command.
"No hard feelings man."

The totems whizzed around thir master and cackled"No hard feelings! No hard feelings!"

The second after the totems echoed their master's words a fist went right into Laxus' face and he was pushed back a little from the suprise punch. Before he could even recover Bixlow was in his car and speeding off, yelling the same thing he'd said moments before he bravely punched the other man.


A/N: So there it is. The thing I've been putting off for fucking ever. Really I'm only a VERY casual member of the Fairy Tail Fandom nowerdays so if anyone one really wants to send me reasons to get back into it please do let me know.
Update: if you have any ideas as to what should happen next please let me know about that as well.

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