Our very first night

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It all starts with starts with saki and Richard changing Michelangelo's diaper. They decided to put 2 more diapers. And then they tried to change him but end up putting one of the pj on his waist and another one around his cape like a superhéroe.
Splinter came and saw it, and decided to do it himself .
Later on, saki was in his new room decoration with posters of Elvis Presley's and then Donnie came.
"Hi uncle saki" he said
" hey kid" saki said
Donnie looked around and said
" what happen to mine and my brother's room?"
Saki replied
" looks pretty cool, huh? Look at this I'm hanging Elvis"
" over my rocket ships?" Donnie said sadly
" well, Donnatello, ur rocket ships are very space" saki said
" my mom made those rocket ships for me. Don't u like them?" Donnie said upset
Saki took down the poster and said
" these rocket ships. I love these rockets. I'm sure Elvis has rocket ships all over grace land"
Then splinter came and said
" it's riddle time. What has brownish eyes, purple pijamas and its up way past his bed time?"
Donnie replied
" um Elvis?"
Until they heard Richard say
" Donnie, the sandman express is coming"
Richard came in his knees and goes to Donnie with a harmonica like a real train while Donnie climb on saki's bed.
" all aboard" Richard said as Donnie got on and Richard took Donnie to his new room while playing the harmonica like a train.
Richard took Donnie to his new room where Donnie shares with miwa, Leo and Raph.
Donnie got off and thanked Richard
" if I got on now will u take me to the nearest hotel?" Miwa asked.
Leo wanted saki to read them a story
" uncle saki doesn't know any stories"
" yes he does" Leo said
" no he doesn't " saki said
" yes he does" Raph said
" no he doesn't" saki said
" yes he does" Donnie said while rubbing his eyes like pretending to cry
" fine I'll make one up" saki said

The 3 boys got in bed with miwa while the adults told a story.

Later on:
The three adults were ready to leave.
Splinter has to go to the tv station.
Saki has band rehearsal
Richard has to go to a place to make people laugh
Splinter stop them and told them that someone has to stay with the kids
The loser is saki.
Then splinter and Richard left
And then miwa, Leo, Raph and Donnie came down stairs
" hi uncle saki" they said as they go to the kitchen
" hey kids. Kids? Hey! Wait! " he goes after them
The kids grab a carton of ice cream for their own.
" why aren't u kids in bed" saki ask
" whenever we are hungry, dad would let us have a late night snack" miwa said
" we are having ice cream" Leo said
" and chocolate milk" Raph said
" and cookies" Donnie said
" I know what u are doing. Ur fooling ur uncle saki. Well let me tell u this. Ur only having ice cream, milk and no cookies " saki said
" yay" Leo said but got mouth cover by miwa
Later on again:

The kids are upstairs awake, jumping on a jump rope being hyper
They stop jumping and heard music
" party time" miwa said as they went to their closet

" whoah hey! Hey!" Saki said as he stop his band" I got kids upstairs sleeping. They do this quietly" he have the drummer licorice and unplug the guitar. He start playing but the band stop cause it was silent
And then the kids came
" kids aren't u supposed to be in bed?" Saki asked
The door bell rang
" that's for us" Leo said
" whoah what?" Saki ask
" I guess daddy forgot to tell u about our 11 o clock pizza" Donnie said as miwa open the door.
They pay the guy and invite him in
" okay guys I'm being serious. U can eat the pizza. Hear two song and go to bed" saki said
" u are strict" Raph said as they ate pizza

Around an hour later:
The band were playing. The kids are the speakers saving and Miwa has hair purple.
Richard came in and saw it all. Then yelled
" conga!"
Then some band people and the pizza guy did conga with Richard while the rest of band played the conga song, that's when splinter came and saw it. Making everything stop.
" boy are u in trouble" Richard said
" attention children of mine. It's 12:15 and ur hair is purple, get down and I don't mean get funky"  he said has he put his 4 kids down from the speakers.
" boys, boys, boys. Walk with me. Talk to me. How could u possible let this happen" splinter said
" hold on. On behalf of Richard, I would like to say Richard is innocent." Richard said.
" yea I conga when u walked in. But I conga a lot" he said " my name is Richard and I'm a conga-holic"

" well it's way past our bed time. Let's go, brothers" Miwa said as they tried to get away
" kids get back in here" splinter said. " ur just in much trouble as they are"
" dad I know we're supposed " Miwa said but got interrupted by saki
" Miwa wait. It's not the kids fault it's mine. I invited the band over. Woke the kids up. Order a pizza. I was throwing party and I wanted more people" saki said
They all heard Mikey crying upstairs
" baby alert. Baby alert" Richard said
" kids go to bed. U two, come with me and the baby's head better not be purple" splinter said as they went upstairs
" u were irresponsible, u were unreliable. I'll get back to u." Splinter said as he went to Mikey.
" oh Michelangelo. It's okay. Daddy's here" splinter spas as he pick Mikey up
" I see the problem. Michelangelo is getting a new tooth and that really hurts"
" I have nothing to do with it" saki said
Then splinter went on with how it would feel of having a new tooth ripping and knifing its way of the gum tissue
Saki and Richard are afraid of that now
" I say we buy him a pony" Richard said
" sometimes a teething ring helps" splinter said as he put Mikey in the crib and gave him a teething ring
Mikey had it but threw it up and Richard caught it
" is this anything like catching a bouquet? Am I the next one to have a baby?" Richard ask smiling and mikey cried
Saki handle it and put his finger in Mikey's mouth and figure out that Mikey is using his finger has a teething ring now. And when saki took it out, Mikey starts crying. So saki put his finger back in Mikey's mouth
" ur brain isn't working but ur finger is working" splinter said
" Richard, please put Michelangelo's teething ring in the freezer. I like to talk to the babysitter" splinter said and Richard Went to do it.
" well, well, well" splinter said
" what, what, what" saki asked
" shame, shame, shame" splinter said
" it's like being chewed out in the Grand Canyon " saki said
Splinter lectured saki that he thought he was adult enough to take care of his kids. And said u really let me down.
Splinter left the room to go to the other kids room

" uncle saki is the best babysitter we ever had" Donnie said
" yea but I think he's in big trouble" Miwa said and the all heard knock.
The kids quickly went to their beds and turn off the light
Splinter walk in and turn on the lights
" kids? U awake?" Splinter ask
" dad, is that u?" Leo ask
" is it morning" Raph ask
" Miwa, Leonard, Raphael and Donnatello we need to talk" splinter said
" kids, we have a problem wit ur uncle saki" splinter said
" no problem, dad" Miwa said
" I'm sorry but he was irresponsible" splinter said and saw the cartons of ice cream and chocolate milk under the kids tabl. Took it out
" empty bowls and empty cartons. I know what's going on"
" u do?" Leo ask
" yes. Ur uncle saki force ice cream and chocolate milk down ur throat and god the evidence under ur table. He probably ignore u when u said no sweets after bed time" splinter said
" probably" Miwa said
" u kids know better than to lie, huh" splinter said
" probably" Donnie said
Then splinter said it should be dealt with the police and said
" now sweet dreams my little angels"
The kids stop him and said they are the ones with did it
So splinter made them go to saki's room where saki is with Mikey.
The all talk and the kids went to bed.
Splinter and saki talk and splinter confessed that he's afraid and can make everything right. It's been hard since the death of Shen
And they talk while Richard used a cold carrot as Mikey's teething ring.
So splinter too Mikey to his crib
Everything worked out great between everyone
The end

Hey ninjas
I'm back with this book and want to say sorry for the misspelled since it too long and I write so fast so comment if I made a mistake in spelling
I'll be back soon
So bye ninjas

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