Chapter 2: This wolf has fresh wounds

Start from the beginning

Oh how I wanted to roll my eyes. Even mama saw the dukes beauty but unlike her would never say it out loud. Would not give him the satisfaction. Ever.

''Aria, your turn'' Mama said encouragingly with a warm smile.

I looked at my cards intently and put down 3 knights wearily. It was the dukes turn next and I was feeling extremely tense. There was a slim possibility that he would match my cards with a better one. Never had anyone been able to collect more than 2 queens during the first round. I chewed the inside of my cheek in anticipation.

I found myself in awe of his hard lean frame as he sat before me shuffling through his cards. I tried to tear my gaze from his dark outline of his magnificent form, but it was no use, and his devilishly handsome features shifted into a knowing grin as he caught me staring. As his teasing smile stretched across his flawless skin a dimple on his chin became more prominent. I gulped. It had never been described or associated more perfectly. A dimple on the chin, the devil within.

As he put his desired cards down my eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets but quickly I composed myself and narrowed my eyes at him.

''Finally someone to match our little vixen!''

Papa clapped the duke on his back as praise. The duke only continued giving me that rare smile in that devilish way of his.  His eyes appeared calm and laid back but deep inside I could almost see his debate on what he wants. Something told me he always got what he want even if he had to leave behind a nasty bite.


The duke hummed in fake wonder as his stormy grey eyes stared me down. A gentle blush erupted under his scrutinizing gaze.

''Those fine pins in your hair are encrusted with pure petalitle,  am I not right?''

His luscious lips parted gently  as his full toned voice seeped out. 

'' Yes they are. I hope your jesting, these were my grandmothers-''

I began but was interrupted by papas sympathetic eyes and gently words

'''These are the rules Aria. I know how much they mean to you but you got to let go.''

The pins originally belonged to my grandmother whose husband owned royal mines in BelaRuss. They were one of the wedding gifts which she held on to until she gave them to me a couple of years ago before she  peacefully passed away. My vision blurred slightly with unshed tears that I refused to show  him.

I huffed angrily as I stood up abruptly and started taking the delicate pins out of my curls and putting them gently on the centre of the table. My once managed and elegant hair on top of my head  transformed into thick unmanageable curls that ran all the way down, framing my small waist,

''I guess your right papa. As a child you taught me to share my belongings with others regardless of their wealth or gender or colour. After all I'm not ,beastly'' 

I released a cold laugh and displayed a smile that did not reach my eyes.

I seemed to have struck a nerve.  The duke of the ten disrtic's normally calm and passive demeanor slowly changed and his face contorted in an all consuming anger; his nostrils flared, his once ocean grey eyes flashed dangerously onyx black with anger and greif then closed into slits void of emotion. As he stood up, his broad, muscular frame demanded attention. Even with the distance he still towered over me  with his large figure that seemed to be filling the room. My mind seemed to ignore and belittle the situation I was in as my eyes contained to trail appreciatively over his upper physique. 

A loud shattering sound stole my undivided attention to the glass table.  Shards of glass broke away from the frame of the table and showered down onto the cranberry rug like reduced crystals. My eyes widened and gasps were released from around me. My heart clenched at the sight of his still clenched fist that was now bloodied and would defiantly leave a scar or two on his unblemished skin. 

Mama stood up to try and aid The duke of the ten districts but he had already turned on his heels and made his way around the table and out to the door after he apologized saying he was sincerely sorry and that his hands slipped. 

''Ce n'était pas agréable Aria'' 

Papa said in a stern voice as he saw me roll my eyes and mutter under my breath words like mule, bastard and devil.

''désolé, je ne pensais pas''

 I kissed papas cheek and gently squeezed her hand to relive her uneasiness as she watched Sampson and Annie sweep the shards.


That very night as I laid on my four poster bed staring at the moon that glimpsed at me every time the gentle breeze from the balcony moved the linen drapes, Images of cold grey eyes flashed before me. The way the barriers behind his eyes lowered for a few moments allowing me to see his grief and anger before his walls slammed right up. Could there be more to the handsome devilish man than he was letting on. Or was he just another hungry wolf in wolf-skin?

Beast In the mist  *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now