Chapter 1

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2032's election is looking grim as U.S. Senator Jordan Martin, key supporter in the Right to Bear Arms movement, announces plans to run for presidency. Gun violence has risen significantly over the past 20 years, and it continues the trend upward. Reporter, Stacy Shannon of the New Democracy Network asked how parents felt.

"I no longer feel safe letting my children play outside," Shaila, a concerned mother of two commented. "My children always ask me, 'Why do guns exist?' What am I supposed to tell them? They kill people,plain and simple."

Shaila, like many other parents, has to constantly worry about how her innocent children will be affected if gun violence continues. The recent shooting at McKenzie County School District is a reminder of how dire the situation is, and it will only get worse if Senator Martin is to be our next president.

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Ricky tapped the 'No' button that appeared on his Saffron S7, and relaxed as the blinding white screen died down. The shades were pulled, and there was a faint streak of light poking in around the uncovered sides of the window. Everything else in the room was just a silhouette of reality - distinguishable shapes that lacked color or meaning.

Dropping the phone back on the charger, Ricky closed his eyes once again. He still had plenty of time before the job interview today, and it would pay to get every minute of sleep he could. Having woken up just before 8, the first alarm rang immediately after Ricky was once again comfortable. Instinctively,his hand shot out from the covers and switched it off before drifting off into a light slumber.

Ten minutes later, the alarm rang again. This time, he decided to get up. Stepping out of bed, and raising the window shades, Ricky let the first lights of the morning sun wash over him.The tall corporate buildings hung high overhead, dwarfing the size of the hotel where he was staying. He stumbled over to the small hotel bathroom, still yawning and mildly tired, and stepped into the shower. The warm water ran down his back, slowly removing the last feelings of lethargy from his body.

Angst began to take over as the exhaustion was washed away. This was the tenth and final interview he had planned so far -the backup of all backups. He was hoping to have found a job much sooner than this; the payment for the hotel room was starting to become too much in this city. A few more weeks, and he would have to try his luck elsewhere.

When the final drops of hot water were expended from the shower, Ricky climbed out and grabbed the nearest towel, still wet from drying off previously. The hotel staff had neglected to bring him any fresh towels yet, it seemed. He walked back into the main room as he finished drying off his hair and put on the suit he had laid out for the interview. He buttoned up his shirt and looked in the mirror. His short, blond hair was combed into a style he deemed appropriate. The shirt was a little big on him, but it was hard to find a good, slender fit. Regardless, his appearance was acceptable without being flashy.

When he was done getting dressed, Ricky grabbed his messenger bag he had set on the table last night and walked out of his room, quietly locking the door behind him. He left a note on the door asking for more towels before going down to the lobby. The lobby, itself,smelled like bacon and he was tempted to go for the continental breakfast, but he restrained himself, deciding to wait until after the interview. A short, African American woman glanced up at him from behind a CelebTV magazineas he left the building, but uninterested, she quickly turned back to her reading.

Immediately, the smell of the city penetrated Ricky's nose. It was like being assaulted with a stink bomb, but it quickly settled down and became almost unnoticeable after a time. He figured out what had caused the noticeably stronger stench when he heard a voice reach out to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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