Chapter 3: My feelings

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Yukines POV

Running away is all I can do. I mean this is all so sudden and I can't believe I'm think of that pathetic excuse of a god in this way, but I am.

It's only now I really notice that he's always been there for me. Always smiling, throughout all we've been through... believing in me. Not to mention how he looks general. I always found his bright eyes and long hair annoying. Didn't I? Now I think all this time I was just trying to bury my feelings. Always pushing him aside... hurting him.

What must he think of me now. I saw the look as I ran away, it was between confused and something that I'm sure was disgust.

I sit and try and collect my thoughts. I'm not going back, not just yet, but I'm definitely not safe here.

I decided I'll just stay at Kofuku's place until I can wrap my head around this.

I tried my best to explain to Kofuku but it was a little embarrassing and when I managed to think of the words it came out like this -"so me and Yato were talking about relationships or something I can't remember but then he smiled and hugged me so tightly and um I don't really understand why but I suddenly realised that I have a massive crush on him"

I took a large inhale and tried to crack an embarrassed smile. She look at me in silence for what felt like forever then it was broken by the loudest laugh I've ever heard. I turned to see Daikoku standing at the door crying with laughter and bit my lip as Kofuku smiled "awhhh you're so cute Yuki! I think you and Yato would make an amazing couple!"

I couldn't help but smile. I'd know he'll never feel the same, but the idea of becoming Yatos lover was amazing and right now I'm okay with my feelings.

Yato X YukineUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum