Chapter 5 : Leaving

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I didn't sleep last night, I can't sleep, I can't stop thinking about what she did to me -.- </3 damn. I go down stair to tell Dad that I'm coming with them...

"Oh good morning Son, miracle ha your early today :)"  He said..

"I'm coming with you guys" I said 

"Oh that's good, I bought 2 extra tickets here, we're going to leave later"  He said

"Okay Dad" I said

I packed my things..... then suddenly my phone ring 


I answered it but I'm not speaking ..

"Hey baby, can we talk please? Let me explain.. you didn't know what you really saw he kissed me he pulled me that's why your twin thought that I allowed him and besides your brother is drunk so why would you believe him? I love you so much and you know that" she said

well I don't know what to say.. so I just say

"Okay maybe we can just forget about it but I need you to stay way from him"

I'm stupid right? lol but I love her ... then she said 

"I heard your leaving later?"

"Uh yes, but it's up to you if you don't want me to go with them today" I said

"Oh it's okay babe, you need to have a good time with your family too go ahead I'll be okay here"  She said..

"Oh okay as you said" I said 

"Okay don't forget to msg. me when your already there okay? Take care I love you I gotta go"  She said

"Oh okay you too.. I love you more"  I said


I guess we're gonna be okay, but I'm still not okay but whatever if she's really playing with me or not I'm ready for the result lol ... Dad called me ..

"Saefron, let's go"

"Yeah, I'm coming" I yelled

Okay I'm gonna go with Mom, Dad, my Cousin Chase and ... hah?? Where's my idiot twin?

"Dad, where's Kaefron?" I asked 

"He said that he's not coming 'cause his busy studying" He said

.... and I laughed loudly with Chase hahahaha! like damn I can't speak

"Hahahahaha! Come again Dad? s-ttt-udying? I never know that he's "busy" studying ohhhh maybe busy studying GIRLS haha God" I said lol

"Haha me too I don't even know that but yeah you're right busy studying chicks" Chase said

"Oh don't be so noisy he's still sleeping" *wink* haha Dad is silly too hah..

"That's enough boys we gotta go" Mom said K.J lol kidding :D

And yeah we're on our way to the Airport, Dad is driving but before I forget I texted Kaefron

(TEXT MSG.) "Dude, watch Trixie okay? I'm not gonna be here for a weeks I guess lol, if you saw her with other guy again just let her be she's happy doing that to me I'm used to it lol.. I hope you'll enjoy alone there :P idiot. take care dude I love you :*" but I'm not hoping that he will reply lol 'cause I know he's still sleeping right now ...


 zzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZ.... ZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzz



And yeah after 20 minutes we're here now in our flight AIRPLAAAANEEEE lol coolie that was fast right? that's what you called teleport lol ..

"Dude, look at that chick" Chase said 

there's a girl beside us she's pretty :D

"She's pretty hah.. she looks like Selena Gomez haha" I said lol, Selena G. is my crush in Hollywood but cool hah when I say

"Selena Gomez" she looked at me

"damn it's her!!!" Chase said ..

haha I wish

"Oh c'mon don't fool me dude Selena Gomez? Going to the Philippines? And in not a Private Plane? damn" I said

"Hahaha! Oh or maybe she have a concert there nevermind.. Oh speaking of concerrrrrt are you excited?" He said 

"Excited?" I said

"What? Haha you're the Leader of our group you forgot? Philippines is our next destination for our dance workshop and mini concert, that's why we're going there with your Dad to fix stuffs" He said

oh yes I rememberrrrr we're travelling all over the world to share Lyrical Hip Hop Dance Genre cool :D

"Oh yeah haha! Sorry man I forgot :D" I said

"Oh man" He said

"Oh wait where are they (my group) by the way?" I asked him

"Oh they're already in the Philippines they left yesterday" He said

"What? Even Zyrys? that idiot coolie" I said

"yeah, you know what just take a nap, maybe you got amnesia haha so take a nap maybe when you wake up you'll remember again all the stuffs you forgot" He said

" yeah maybe I think you're right... okay dude" 

*Yawn* I'm sleepy anyways lol ..

        AFTER 5 MINUTES ... 



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