two: reuniting with my ex-FUBU

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As usual, I'm scrolling though my newsfeed as I was literally eating a sugar cube while sitting at one of the vacant seats in our shop.

There aren't even that much people around here now, since it's like 10 A.M., and two hours later, things will get a little bit busier in this shop. Jimin already went back to his dental clinic, so I do not have anyone to tease here.

“Hey jobless old maiden, go buy some ingredients in the grocery store... Also buy everything in this list since our fridge is almost empty.”Mom said, shoving a piece of paper on my face, and gave me some paper bills,“Hurry up now.”

I groaned inside, but I have nothing to do, and I do not want to hear another: "You're jobless and unmarried so go find a sugar daddy" nag from my mother again, so I got the grocery list and the money, I stood up, went out of our shop, and towards the grocery shop just a few blocks away from my house.

As I was pushing the cart, checking the list and the things I placed in the cart while just walking, my cart bumped into someone else's cart, and that impact made the list on my hand fall on the ground, and the paper was thrown a little farther away by the wind, so I tried to chase and pick it up, but someone already did that for me, and gave me the list. “Thanks,”I said, and then looked at the person.....

.....I suddenly forgot how to breathe.

“I-Im M-M-Minki?”I stuttered, my eyes wide. I'm sure that this guy is really my fuck-buddy-but-kind-of Im Minki when I was in highschool, and when he was in college. We didn't do anything below the belt, that's why we're not really fuck buddies since we didn't frick frack, we just made out a lot of times in his dorm room, but he said that "WE WEREN'T OFFICIAL".

So we somehow parted ways and never met each other nor had a contact or some information about each other or something for eight years straight but not until now....

It was a holiday, and I went to Minki's dorm. And as usual, the two of us are on his bed, not doing any illegal things, but he was cuddling with me from the back, and I was reading my textbook.

Minki tightened his grip on me, it was just a normal thing for me, and I know where the hell this is going. But I just carried on reading the book. Minki nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck, “Minji...” he says in his sleepy voice, “Hm?”I said, my eyes are still on the book. Minki didn't say anything, he just started brushing his lips on my neck, and he began on kissing my neck, which made me groan for a bit.

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