Chapter 1

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I dropped my bag on the floor and kicked off my shoes. It was Friday, finally. It was also the start of spring break. A whole week off to do whatever.

I flopped down on my bed and pulled out my phone. I had a text from my friend, Riley.

'I'm coming over'

I text back an ok and waited for him to come. He only lived two houses down so I knew it wouldn't take long.

Sure enough, no less than a minute later my phone buzzed. I ran downstairs and opened the door to a sweaty, smiling Riley.

"I sprinted." Riley said, walking in. He walked into my living room and sat on my couch. I turned on the TV and sat next to him.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked Riley.

"Don't care." He said. I turned to Comedy Central because South Park was on and I know Riley likes that show a lot. We sat there for awhile. Just enjoying the show and making side remarks that made us shake with laughter. When we got into the third episode, Riley leaned his head on my shoulder. I smiled and looked down at him and he looked up at me.

"So, are you doing anything for spring break?" I asked.

"Nope." Riley said. He got up and walked into my kitchen. "Be right back."

But I got up and followed him anyway. He opened up my pantry and looked around.

"You have, like, nothing to eat." Riley said.

"I know. My mom has to go to the store." I stated. Riley kept looking until he found a package of Oreos. He grabbed them and we walked out of the pantry and back to the couch. He sat down and I stared at him. A feeling washed over me as I stared at him. I've gotten this feeling before. I don't know what it is but sometimes I kinda like it. It's just that right now he looked really attractive. The way his blonde hair glowed in the sunlight, the way his freckles contrasted against his skin. Everything about him was just beautiful.

I stepped forward towards him, my heartbeat picking up a little. I took another step, now completely in front of him. Riley looked up at me and smiled. He did look a little confused though.

"Orion?" He asked, standing up. I stepped closer to him and but my arm on his back, right above his butt. Riley's eyes widened as he looked up at me but he just kept smiling. I leaned down, kissed his cheek and then sat back down on the couch.

"What was that?" Riley asked with a laugh. He layed down next to me so his chin was on my stomach.

"I don't know." I said, truthfully.

"I didn't mind it." Riley said quietly. I smiled to myself.

I heard the garage door open and my mom stepped into the house. She looked mildly happy despite her appearance which made her look like she was falling apart. Her hair was a mess and her shirt was starting to come untucked from her skirt. The papers in her hand were in a messy stack and her purse was falling off of her shoulder.

Riley and I watched as she stumbled into the kitchen and set her stuff down.

"Oh, yes. Don't help the struggling mother. Just stare." Mom said. Riley laughed and I smiled.

"Sorry, Mom." I apologized. "Can Riley spend the night?"

Mom looked at us and raised an eyebrow.

"I guess." She said. Riley lifted off of me and cheered.

"Come on, let's go upstairs." I said, getting up. I ran upstairs and I could hear Riley close behind me. We walked into my room and I closed the door.

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