I gathered my bearings before clearing my throat to sing again. My nerves were racing, feeling embarrassed because I know my voice sucks. But it's making Ben happy, so I guess it's okay.

After I finished again, the wraith told me to sing once more, squeezing his arms against me. I did so without protest. After that, he had me sing again. I sang again after that time too. I figured he wanted me to keep singing, so I didn't stop to wait for him.

Suddenly, as I started singing for the seventh time, Ben's voice piped in...harmonizing.

Ah, his voice was much prettier than mine, fit for singing. So light, and clear, and always in tune. It brought chills of awe through me as I listened, and I nearly forgot to sing. No wonder he kept telling me to repeat the lullaby... This is amazing.

When Ben stopped, I stopped, a little bummed at not being able to hear his voice. Glancing down at him, I asked, "Do you feel better...?"

He nodded slowly and replied, "Much better... Thank you..."

"N-No problem," I mumbled as he squeezed me tighter.

"Reese...," he called.


Suddenly, I felt Ben's nose brush against my jaw and I tensed up, caught off guard. His breath was hot on my skin as he leaned his forehead against mine and I could do nothing but sit still. His body was slack in my arms and I wondered if he was half-asleep. Warm breath was on my lips now, and I imagined his mouth barely an inch away. Extremely close...but I couldn't bring myself to pull away. All I thought about was him, and his doleful sobbing, and the way he hugged onto me so desperately, and his amazing voice, and his breath on my lips.

There was a feud going on inside of me, making me nervous, antsy, impulsive. I bit my lip to keep myself composed, but my heart was racing. What do I do? What do I do??

"Reese," Ben whispered again and the feud inside of me didn't lessen for it.

His breath. On my skin. He's leaning into me. Fuck, what do I do? His body is relaxed. So small. I can carry him. Cradle him. Keep him in my arms. Warm. Cozy. Safe. Fuck, what do I...

Just as I inhaled a deep breath and made up my mind, Ben's head slipped out of the way and fell onto my shoulder. He put all of his weight on me and I ended up falling back onto the couch. A quiet groan escaped my lips and I wrapped my arms around Ben to make sure he didn't fall over. He laid comfortably on top of me, cocooned in his blanket, sound asleep.

While I stared up at the ceiling, I took this time to catch a proper breath. What was all of that? I felt really nervous too. Ben must've been half-asleep and out of it. I couldn't bring myself to do anything because I didn't want to disturb him. What would have happened if I...?

I rub at my eyes, my sleepiness finally catching up to me now that I didn't have to worry about Ben. Carefully, I adjusted myself so that I didn't feel cramped and Ben didn't look so haphazardly placed. Although he was asleep now, I still found myself getting nervous when I placed my hands on him. Why? It's just Ben... You're being stupid, Reese. Just relax and go to sleep already.

So, I closed my eyes and focused my attention on my breathing. Then I thought about Ben's breathing. Subconsciously, I placed my hand on his back, feeling the rise and fall of his body. A gentle, repetitive rhythm. So serene. It makes me happy to know he's okay. And I hope he knows he's safe with me, that I'll do everything I can to hold up my title as his freedom away from a world of crazy. I want the both of us to be happy.

After a while, I began fading in and out of consciousness, close to sleep. I hug onto Ben, pulling him closer into my embrace. My fingers started messing with his hair, brushing through his blonde locks over and over again. He didn't wake up when I felt I had accidentally tugged on his hair, and I let out a quiet sigh of relief.

Terrible Fates (BEN Drowned story)Where stories live. Discover now