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"have you always been this bossy?" dongmin whines, throwing his head back dramatically.

"have you always been this whiny?" i sassed back, picking up all of his dirty clothes that had been scattered throughout the guest room.

since my mom was always at work, and or working, she never noticed. except that sometimes certain foods would go missing.

certain foods i don't eat.

"look, all i'm saying is that you need to clean up the room once in awhile."

dongmin groaned, "yes mom." i glared over at him, he didn't notice of course since his phone was in his face. well actually my phone since i'm the one who pays for it.

"would it hurt your immortal soul to lift a goddamn finger for once?"

dongmin groans again, "you know i don't like that word."

"yes dongmin, i know you don't like the word god."

"so why do you keep saying it?" he questions, still not looking away from the phone.

"why haven't you looked at anything but that stupid phone screen all day?"

i'd be lying if i said i didn't like dongmin's attention, because i do.

dongmin sighs and moves the phone from his face to look over at me, "happy now?" he asks, a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"i-i didn't mean me!" i exclaim, trying oh so hard not to smile. it'll just egg him on.

dongmin chuckles and goes back to his game.

i smile to myself as i begin to fold all of his clean clothes i had previously brought up - before picking up the dirty ones.

i noticed him side-eyeing me, although his game music was still on - which means he hadn't paused it.

"what?" i question, looking over at him. "hmm? oh uh, nothing just..." dongmin clears his throat but remains silent.

"just..?" i raise an eyebrow as i place a folded shirt into his dresser. "you uh...you look nice today.."

i freeze in place, did he just compliment me?

"i believe that's the first compliment you've given me in over two months."

"well you haven't looked good in over two months."

i scoff and turn to face him, a large smile is now in place of his smirk.

"listen here you-" "meh meh meh meh meh." "did you just-?!" "meh meh meh."

i scowl at him as i reach for his dirty clothes, i ball up a pair of old socks and throw them.

"yah!" dongmin exclaims, looking over at me.

i then throw a t-shirt.

"stop that-"

a pair of jeans.

"i'm warning you-"

a pair of his boxers.

"that's it-!"

dongmin throws his phone down and climbs off his chair.

"no, no, no, no-" i turn around and open the bedroom door, darting out of the room and down the stairs - dongmin not far behind.

"come back here!" he shouts, a tint of laughter in his voice.

i begin laughing as i run around the house, him chasing me closely.

it reminds me of my thirteenth birthday, no one i invited had shown up so dongmin threw me a party all on his own.

he even set up movie night, snacks, drinks, and all.

"get your ass back here!" dongmin laughs, stopping in the doorway to the living room - where i currently was.

"minnie~" i coo. he hates that nickname.

"you're gonna get it." he says, pointing at me.

"i'm gonna get what?" i jokingly question.


dongmin jumps over the couch and grabs me, pulling me down onto the cushions.

he straddles me and begins digging into my sides, causing laughter to erupt from my lips.

our little session was interrupted by a knock on the front door.

"who is that?" dongmin questions as he stops tickling me. i just shrug.

he climbs off of me and rushes to answer the door.

he swiftly opens it, "who are you?" he asks.

"oh i'm jimin, is jihyun around?"

To be continued...

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