Parting Ways (8)

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Hoping that Vin's statement from earlier about leaving was a lie. I hoped that I was actually asleep at the orphanage right now, in the comforts of my bed, and just experienced a terrible nightmare.

But of course, this wasn't a lie. It was real. I'm going to say goodbye to Vin the next day. If I didn't doubt him, we probably would've continued traveling together.

Biting my bottom lip to stop the tears from falling, I soon found myself dreaming of what could have happened if I never doubted Vin. A sweet bliss of a dream that would soon end with me awakening the next day. Realizing that tomorrow was now today. The day I'd say goodbye to Vin.

He made sure to take me over to one of the carts the farmers was going to take. From what he learned, one farmer was going to the West while the other cart was going North.

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