1D Would You Rathers (Part 1)

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1D Would You Rather...

...Go to Nandos with Niall or go to Milkshake City with Liam?

...Be best friends with Zayn or be his girlfriend?

...Have a quiet night in with Harry or go partying with Louis?

...Go to Paris with Niall and Harry or go to Rome with Liam, Zayn and Louis?

...Spend a day with Harry and Louis or a day with Liam and Zayn?

...Be part of 1D's band or be in their backstage crew?

...Kiss Niall under the mistletoe or kiss Harry in the rain?

...Dance with Liam in the moonlight or do the 'pat the dog, screw the light bulb' move with Louis?

...Have Niall teach you the guitar or have Harry teach you the kazoo?

...Be Eleanor or Danielle?

Leave a comment below with your answers!

Random thoughts. <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora