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Justin POV

I woke up with Ariana next to me sleeping. She was so cute when she was sleeping. I got up out of bed, placed my shirt on that I took off and kissed Ariana's forehead before going downstairs. I saw my mom sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Morning mom" I said giving her a hug from behind.

"Hey sweetie. Why are you up so early?" I heard her say. I went to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal glancing at the clock as I did. It was 5:30.

"I don't know? I just woke up" I said.

"It's the last week of summer break, I would think that you wanted to get as much sleep in as possible." She said. I shrugged my shoulders and took a spoonful of my cereal.

"Senior year this year. Where are you planning to go for college?" My mom asked.

"I don't know. Ariana and I are planning to go to the same college." I said between bites.

"Are you and her are getting pretty serious?" She said. I shrugged again. I didn't want to talk about this.

Luckily Ariana came down.

"Hi Pattie." She said.

"Hi sweetheart." My mom replied.

Ariana came over to me and placed her hands over my eyes. I chucked.

"I know it's you A" I said. I took her hands from around my eyes. She pouted. I stood up,placed both my hands on the side of her face and kissed her. Then I grabbed her waist and pulled her in my lap.

She took my spoon and tried some of my cereal. "Hey. Get your own." I said.

"Mmm...no thanks." She said. I ticked her sides. "Justin..stop..it" She managed to say while laughing.

"Mmm..no thanks." I said. I saw my mom come over to us. Ariana quickly stood up.

"Mom are you ok?" I asked. All the color drained out her face.

"I..I just got a phone call..and um.. Ryan just got admitted to the ER." She said softly.

"What?! No!" I said.

"No.." Ariana said.


I grabbed Ariana's hand and we ran into the hospital. We went up to front desk.

"What can I help you kids with?" a middle aged lady with black hair and glasses asked us.

"Yeah we are looking for Ryan Butler." Ari said.

"Oh the kid that got into the drunk driving accident." She said. "That's room 712."

"Kids drinking and driving is a serious thing..when is this going to be stopped." The lady continued talking to herself.


"Bro. You have got tot try this stuff." I said to Ryan. It was a shot of vodka.

"No man. I don't drink." Ryan said.

"Come on. Just 1 shot. I said.

"Ok. But just 1" Ryan replied. He almost threw up when he first tried it but quickly got used to the burning sensation that came along with the alcoholic taste. That night he got wasted. He did stuff I knew he would regret when he woke up.

*Flashback ends

Ariana POV

I held on to Justin's hand as we made our way down the hall. I opened up the door to see Ryan with bandages and IVs hooked up on him. Caitlin was asleep in a chair beside Ryan. Her tear stained cheeks on his chest.

I hid my face in Justin's chest and he put his arms around me. I whimpered and without my control those whimpers turned into sobs. Justin rubbed my back keeping quiet. Too quiet. I glanced up to him to see tears going down his face.

"Oh Justin." I said between sobs.

"This is all my fault. I hate myself. I want to kill myself." Justin said. I've never heard him say this before.

"Justin, this isn't your fault" I said.

"Yes it is. I was the one who made him try alcohol first when he never drank. This would have never happened if it wasn't for me to mess up everything" He said angrily. "I don't deserve anyone."

"Justin look at me" I said getting upset. He looked at me."Don't ever say that you don't deserve anyone.The reason I fell for you is not because you have a "bad reputation" . I fell for you because you have a quality that no other guy I knew had. You care about people. Sure you made one dumb mistake ,but everyone makes mistakes.Justin this is not your fault and you deserve more than no one. That's why Ryan is your friend and why I am your girlfriend."

He smiled and rested his head on top of my head. "Let's go get something for Ryan."

We were about to walk out of the room but then we heard the sound of flatline. Our heads snapped back. Caitlin woke up. Many doctors came in the room. There was chaos.

"What's going on? Where are you taking him?" Caitlin screeched. I held on to her.

"Caitlin it's ok. He just stopped breathing for a little and they are going to get his heart up again." I said. I didn't know what the outcome was though. I don't know if he's going to be ok.

"Ryan. You gotta stay with me bro." I heard Justin say as they wheeled Ryan away. He really cared for Ryan and I could see it.

"I'm sorry sir but you are going to have to stay here." A doctor said. Justin looked like he was going to yell at him but said "ok" instead.

3 hours later

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said. A doctor came in with a folder that had Ryan's name on it. We stood up ready to hear the verdict. The doctor looked uneasy. He rocked back and forth.

"Well?!" Caitlin said. He cleared his throat.

"......." He said.

Caitlin cried. Me and Justin went on opposite sides of each other forming a huddle around Caitlin with all of our heads together.

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