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(Justin's POV)

I want to be with Ariana. I want her not Selena. I picked up my phone to call Sel when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" I said to my mom as she finished the dinner and set the dishes. I opened the door.

"Hey Justin" she said. My eyes went straight to her body. The way that dress fit her body was amazing. I never even really noticed what a nice body she had. "Justin" she said playfully hitting my arm.

"Uh huh..." I said. She laughed.

"Aren't you gonna invite me in?" She asked.

"Oh sorry. You look se..cute" I said catching myself.

"Thanks" she said blushing and came in. Yup she was gonna be mine. "Hey Pattie. How are you?" She said

"Good" my mom replied. She dropped some plates and Ariana went to help her pick them up and help with the table. They talked for a while and finally it was dinner time.

"So let me get this settled.." My mom started."Are you two dating?". Ari blushed. She is so cute. I love when she blushes.

"Not yet" I said. They both looked at me. I smiled at Ariana. She smiled back at me.

*After Dinner*

My mom left to get some dessert for us after dinner. I knew she was gonna get caught up with talking to someone at the store so that give us about an hour and a half by ourselves.

Rocky: How does it look?

Mickey: Ah, it's an improvement.

I decided to watch a movie with Ari. Romantic right. It's one of my favorite movies too. Rocky. I looked over to Ariana who looked cold on the other side of the couch we were sitting on.

"Hey Ari. Come here.." I motioned for her during the commercial to sit next to me so I can put my arm over her to warm her up. Benefits her and me. She gets warm and I get her. I saw her hesitate.

"I don't bite" I said laughing. She finally moved over and put her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and rubbed her shoulders. "I'm gonna make you mine." I whispered in her ear. She shuddered. I placed my hand on her waist and pulled her closer to me. Then I remembered that homecoming was coming up in a few days. When the movie was over I grabbed Ariana's hand and pulled her upstairs. She stopped.

"What are you or we doing." She said.

"Hey. We aren't doing anything. Trust me. I just want to show you something."

I knew what she was thinking we were going to do. But I would never do anything she isn't comfortable with. She trusted me and followed me upstairs. I had everything planned on how to ask her to homecoming. I had it planned for Se.... I mean HER. I previously laid out some candles in my yard that said Homecoming. Trust me. It was a lot of work and money.

"Close your eyes and when I tell you to open them look out of the window ok?"

She nodded confused. "Good"

I ran downstairs and got the lighter. I grabbed my acoustic guitar also and ran outside. I lit all the candles and started to play my guitar. "You can open them now!" I shouted towards the window. She looked outside and looked shocked and started crying while nodding yes. Yes!! She said yes!

I finished the song, put out the candles and ran upstairs. I hugged her.

"Kiss me Justin." What? She wanted me to kiss her. But what about... I shook my thoughts out of my head, grabbed her perfect little waist and kissed her. I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her neck. She groaned. I chuckled. I stroked my hands through her hair but stopped kissing her and caught my breath. She was breathing just as hard as me.

"That was amazing" she said.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"I thought we were already dating." She said jokingly. I kissed her again. Then my phone buzzed. Way to kill the mood. I looked and saw a text from Selena. I didn't even look at the text but I texted her back saying. "It's over". I looked back to Ariana and saw the blood draining from her face.

"Crap" she whispered.

"What's wrong?" I said.

"Look at the time." She said in the same tone. I saw it was 12:30. "Frankie's going to kill me. He'll never let me see you again" she said.

"Hey, don't worry, if he gives you any crap about it I'll talk to him." I said. I didn't want to see her upset. "Let me drive you home. Ok?"


I drove her home and saw Frankie outside. He looked pissed. Geez can he back off.

(Ariana's POV)

We arrived at the house and boy did Frankie look mad. I got out of the car.

"Where were you!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry" I whispered. Justin then got out of the car and went over to Frankie.

He sighed and shook his head clearly annoyed.

"Hey. Why don't you give her a break? she said she was sorry." He said. Frankie then got really mad. He shoved Justin.

"Why don't you stay out of our business?" Frankie said. Justin then lost it. He shoved Frankie back and they started fighting. Punches were thrown. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get them to stop.It reminded me of my dad. He was always aggressive. It made me really upset. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't stop.

"Stop it. Now!" I yelled through my tears. They stopped and looked at me. Their faces had bruises and blood. "You guys are ridiculous!" I went inside the house and ran up to my room closing the door behind me. I couldn't hear anymore fighting so I figured they made up. I could never assume though. I heard a knock at my door. "What?" I asked not really in the mood for talking right now. Justin and Frankie came in. I frowned.

"I'm sorry." They both said at one time. They looked at each other and laughed. Whaaa... I thought they were pissed at each other.

"I forgive you both of you, but I thought..." I started confused.

"Thought what Ari?" Justin said. I shook my head.

"Nothing" Guys are weird. I guess that's what they think of girls huh?

"Well Justin and I are going to play some GTA.Ok?" Frankie said. I nodded. After they left Justin came back and kissed me on the forehead.

"Good night babe." Justin said.

"Goodnight" I said. He left and shortly after I fell asleep. I dreamed of Justin. Justin Bieber.

Hey! I know the ending sucks. But keep reading. Comment what you want to see in the next few. While you do that buy all the Music Mondays. Finals are coming up so I will try to keep updated as much as possible.

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