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At the mention of those three meaningful words the curse shall be lifted you will turn back to normal......

I frowned at the cold hit me I tried to reach for the blanket but it seems so be no where near making me open my eyes to search for it i froze at the site by my left i couldn't help the smile that came on my face it finally happened mY dream came true i just stared at the beautiful creature beside me who looked like an angel while sleeping but he was a devil in between the sheets but no girl knows that they weren't lucky enough to see that either I loved his eyes his hazel eyes that I always found myself getting lost it whenever you tried to know which color was his main eye color it was hard his eyes seems to always change from amber to black then golden brown greenish brow it was simply interesting then there was his touch I had just recently started to feel that and to be honest I don't think I want it to stop its like in a matter of a months I have become addicted just a touch of his love is enough to drag me of my feet his smile it lightens up my day I don't how or when I gave him that power over me but I'm glad I did i looked away from the boy u was madly in love with I looked towards the clock beside me I got up fast upon seeing the time I was 12.01am my father is going to kill me I looked down at myself seeing I had on a shirt and my boxers I pulled up my pants which felt a little big on me but thanks to mY belt it was just right as soon as I was down I looked down at the boy who was still dead asleep I sighed thinking about how I was supposed to wake him not knowing what to do I tapped him a little he groans his eyes shutting again before suddenly his eyes napped open he jumped away from me and scream making me jump back to and do the same.

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