I need my bestfriend

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"for the hundredth time yes Louis he said you should meet him behind the bleachers at four"Gigi says with a grin she knows how the boy is feeling and that is making her happy too Louis just grins back at her

"oh it's almost time then you are coming with right? "Louis asks wide eyes full of hope that Gigi had a hard time looking away not wanting to break his heart

"I'm sorry lou but I have to cheer practice before the game you know I can't miss"gigi says softly she watched as Louis excitement fell off

"oh okay"louis says

"oh cmon Louis all you have to do is go there Harry already knows most of it who knows maybe you won't even need me there because you would be busy smoochi-

"oh my God shut upp"louis says his hand covers Gigi mouth making some of the other students to send them weird looks

"Gigi are you coming"a girl from the group calls making Gigi send Louis a sorry look but Louis waves her off and pulls her in for a last hug before the two of them started to walk towards a different location one for cheer practice and the other to under the bleachers

Gigi did multiple back flips before landing perfectly on her feet making the crowd to cheer

"GO wolves"the cheerleaders scream in unison the crowd went wild everyone knows that the Jensen high school soccer team is one of the best in the city but the truth is that Gigi never really gave a fudge about the schools game that was until Zayn joined the soccer team and unfortunately his boyfriend also joined the team she has never missed a game even if it hurts to watch them smooch as celebration it's not that she has anything against gay people she just Zayn is her's only.

She nervously watches as someone passes the ball over to Jake who passes it over to Zayn who increased his pace while trying to keep himself safe from getting hurt he shoots the ball but then unfortunately the goal keeper caught the ball making her groan she looked back Zayn stood he looked like he was pissed and is it bad that she taught that Zayn was hot especially when he is angry she watches as the goal keeper shoots the ball back again and the other team gets it she watches as they dribbled her schools team but then Liam harshly hit one of them making them hit the ground making her frown she is not a football expert but she knows that the way liam just hit that boy was definitely wrong and deserved a red card or at least a yellow card so with out really thinking she started to scream not cheer at the team anymore making people to send her weird looks because she was dressed in the wolves cheer leading uniform then why is she suddenly booing at the wolves her eyes meets Zayn's and she immediately blushes and stops looking down at her feet but not before catching the site of those familiar long brown hair making her frown how the heck is he here if Louis is behind the bleachers waiting for him now.

Third person POV

While on the other side Louis was sweaty and royally pissed of he looked down at his watch 5:30pm it said.louis might seem like a puppy love sick but he is not easy at all he is sassy and feisty and he is definitely not the type to be waiting on someone but somehow this curly hair goof made him wait and now that look down at his watch again he could see it 5:59 it was obvious to him and anyone that Harry has stood him up he has been waiting for two hours Louis stands up dusting the back of his pants he could feel his eyes burning his hands shaking even if he was all alone in school he felt embarrassed and humiliated by Harry and he is beyond upset and he just wants his bestfriend. While on the other side of town Gigi watched as


Gigi hurriedly started following the behind the group of boys hooting and cheering for the curly haired boy who managed to score the last minute yes it was definitely him she could see the word Styles in the back of his jersey but then a hand on her arm stopped her making her frown she spun around only to come face to the face with most unpleasant thing on earth Becky Williams the cheerleaders captain aka my father is the richest it is not like she is ugly no she was among the most good looking girls in school but her attitude was the worst in school

"what do you want becky"

"I just want to say you need to stay away from him"


"I could see you staring and drooling back in the field I just thought I would give you advice"

"Becky we are not even friends i would appreciate if you just walked away now I have way important things to do than to talk to you

"oh so fatty has things more important than me"

"excuse me"gigi asks in disbelief

"Do you know what he told me oh never mind"becky says

"please wait Becky what did he say about me"Gigi asks eyes wide she just wanted to hear it

"since you asked so nicely I would tell you he said that you are fat and just a watse of space and ugly as fuck and excuse you if zayn was straight he would go me cause am 1000% prettier than you better go kill your self cause even zayn thinks your fat and ugly as shit beckky whispered in Gigi ears she pulled away she smirked and walked away leaving gigi stuck in her thoughts and insecurities Gigi looked down at herself one thing was on gigi mind
was it true that even zayn thought she was ugly,was she that ugly,did even zayn hate her,should she kill herself?

"zayn would never notice me"she said out loud as she slid down the wall crying in the corner alone ignoring the sound of the boys hooting and talking ignoring the sound of their footsteps leaving the locker room she didn't move she just sat there crying,she was hurting badly she needs of her best friend.

Louis roughly wiped his face as he dialed his best friend number who picked up after the first ring she answered

"oh my God lou am sorry i didn't mean to you know i was just trying to help" gigi said in a quite voice sad voice

"its okay gigi it's not your fault its mine whats wrong he asked slowly

nothing gigi said as she sniffed a few times

just try don't to give me that shit tell me Gigi" he practically growled he was already pissed off he really didn't need his bestfriend pretending

"is it true that am a ugly piece of shit? Gigi asked quietly her voice filled with...pain?

"what no you are very gorgeous one of the most beautiful girls have ever met take this from a gay guy who told you that bunch of lies tell me who" he growled

"Becky she said zayn hated me that he told her i was a ugly piece of shit
she told me that he would never notice m"e gigi screamed into the phone crying her pains out Louis goes silent he was basically radiating of anger

"Louis"Gigi mutters knowing the boy hasn't hung up yet

"i'm gonna go give her,zayn and Mr styles piece of my mind "Louis says

"no please"

" to late bye" he says ready to hang up

"just please come i need my best friend" she whispered and then ended the call that broke louis heart no he isn't just angry but he is furious. He only wants to give becky, zayn and Harry piece of his mind.His ego has been hurt so has his best friend and she needed him so he headed straight to his car he started to drive out to Silverado highschool which was where the game took place.

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