Imagine writing "actress at Penelope Holmes Acting Company" on your CV. Who wouldn't be impressed?

I've always dreamed of an opportunity like this. I'm going to famous, and I'll get to star in real movies like Jennifer Lawrence and Kristen Dunst and get away from this school forever because it holds so many -

"Holley?" Katie waves a hand in front of my face. "Still there?"

I blink, and let a rare wide smile spread over my face. Yes, rare. I don't smile at people often, because I figured people have a bad habit of thinking that when someone smiles at you, it means they want to be friends with you. Basically, giving them a chance to manipulate and stab you in the back and trust me, I'm speaking from experience. "This is great! I'm going to join her company!"

"You?" a horribly familiar voice interrupts and shatters all my inner fantasies. I whip my head around to see the school's Class A Bitch Bianca Jones sauntering towards me with her two clonies - Terra and Hayley - at her sides, as usual.

I've always thought Bianca look a lot like Barbie. As in, fake blond hair and unproportional body from too much plastic surgery.

"The role of Belle is mine, Holley. Be smart and back off." she sneers, looking me over with obvious disgust.

Is it hard to believe that once upon a time, Bianca and I used to be best of buddies? Well, up until freshman year anyways. We both have the same dreams - to be a successful actress. We used to rehearse every elementary playwright in my backyard. We used to support each other.

During freshman year, there was a really special Christmas play and there could only be one lead. We both agreed that we'd try our best to help each other and let the chips fall where they may, and even then, there would be no hard feelings.

I never once suspected Bianca was scheming behind my back. She gave me the wrong script on purpose and made me look like a complete fool onstage and in front all the teachers. She never apologized. Ever since we've been going our separate ways.

When Bianca became the school's most popular girl, I was intimidated, but not for long. Soon after my dad left and Josh dumped me, with Adelaide, and my mom died, I knew I had to grow a backbone and stand up for myself. So I did. Hence Bianca and I became enemies.

I cross my arms. "Make me."

She copies me, and so does Terra and Hayley. Poor girls. Manipulated by the most beautiful and best-dressed girl in the whole universe - or so Bianca believes. Yeah, I bet she's beautiful. Such a slut.

"You know, you disappoint me Holley. Do you even know who I am? I always get what I want. You shouldn't waste your time auditioning for Belle because it's gonna be mine. Just audition for something else really minor. Maybe you can be one of those stupid faeries." she barks a laugh and so does her clonies.

"You're messing with the wrong girl, Bianca." I counter sweetly. I sure as hell would love to call her a bitch to her face, but I still have a tiny sliver of respect for my former best friend. 

I'm not sure if she returns that respect.

"You're no match for me, Holley. You're just an untalented dork."

Oh well. Guess not. Never mind.

The harsh words sting but I'm not going to let her have the satisfaction of seeing me crushed, even though it's just a little bit. "You know, maybe that's how I stole so many lead roles from you."

I slam my locker shut. "If you'll excuse me, I have to get to class. Come on, Katie."

"You won't get the role." Bianca raises her chin defiantly.

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