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hey guys! this is a new story i'm trying out ,so constructive criticisms are greatly appreciated :)

i'm just going to dedicate this to madelinestar95 cuz she's an awesome and funny editor :)


"Do not follow me." my dad orders harshly. Cowering slightly, I hide behind my parent's bedroom's door, trying to eavesdrop without being noticed, my legs shaking like jelly pudding due to the anxiety. "Do not follow me anywhere, Alyssa. Do you hear me?"

"Why?" my mom's broken whisper makes me heart break and tears well up in my eyes. "Why are you doing this to me? To Holley?"

I glower briefly.

Yeah Dad. Why are you so against Mom all of a sudden, anyways?

"It's for the best." is my dad's Oscar-worthy answer. I never really liked him. He's more of a distant friend than a proper dad. Never home and never attends any of my school functions. It has always been just my mom and me, and it kills me to see her like this.

"Richard, please, don't do this. I forgive you."

Forgiveness? As far as I'm concerned, my dad doesn't deserve any, especially from my loving mother. If anything, he should be the one begging. On his knees.

I mean, he's the one that has been staying away from home for longer and longer periods. He's the one that keeps breaking promises to Mom, like how he swore he quit drinking and yesterday I caught him chugging down a Redbull in front of the kitchen sink. He's the one that keeps gambling away Mom's money from her high-powered lawyer job. And lately, I've observed that he's the one that always starts the constant arguments between them.

"My mind is set. I'm sorry, but I can't do it anymore. I probably still love you, at least I think so, but I'm not in love with you anymore."

I feel a jolt of alarm.

"Why? What did I ever do wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong," my dad pauses. "It's just that I think Vivian is a hell lot better than you."


My shock nearly causes me to fall to the floor, but I plant my hand on the wall to keep me upright.

With a sickening lurch, I realize that's who he spent all those days and nights with. All those so-called business trips, he was meeting her.

Why did I ever trust him?

Oh right, maybe it's because he's supposed to be my father, my mentor, my role model, only nope, he chooses to throw everything he had with Mom and me away for this Vivian slut. I hate her, and more important, I feel an intense loathing for that man standing there, looking as if nothing's wrong.

"I'm sorry Alyssa, but Vivian wants to marry me and I can't say no."

Marriage? Who said anything about that?

"You can't say no?" my mom's voice rockets a few octaves higher, like it always get when she's in the state of blatant shock and blank disbelief. "W-what about us? You're just going to...walk away...like that?"

"Like that. I'm in love with her." My dad confirms. Tears form in my eyes at his cold reply. God, he's so insensitive. "I'm leaving. Tell Holley that she's been an amazing daughter and I'm sorry but I have to leave."

How To Love (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora