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My mother wakes me up. Not with noise or movement, but with the smell of bacon cooking. This is weird-she never cooks. I rub my eyes and throw my blankets to the side of my bed. I follow my nose, which leads me to the kitchen.

"Hey Karen, what are you doing?"

I never call her mom to her face, she says it makes her feel old.

"Well, Katie, today is a big day."

"Today? Whats special about today?"

"It's your 16th birthday, Katie" she laughs.

Is it? Really? My birthday is June 30th, and in the summer i always loose track of the days.

"Yes honey. Would you like cheese with your eggs?" She asks kindly.

"Sure-" i respond. "Whats so special that you're cooking? You never cook?"

She puts down the wooden spoon she's using to scramble the eggs. This makes me chuckle to myself-you scramble eggs with a whisk or a fork, not a spoon.

She sits down at the two seated table, looking at me.

"Katherine?" She uses my full name. I hate my full name.

"What?" i tense up. This doesn't seem like good news.

She looks down and to the left, at the laminate flooring that lines our kitchen and dining room. Its ugly, but its ours.

"Katherine? What is it?" I ask.

"I've done some research. There's something called Sex Slavery..." she explains as my eyes widen.

For some reason I get excited. The thought of being owned by someone has always turned me on a LOT. BDSM, torture, pain and pleasure are all things I'm into.

"Ok..." I respond as she stalls.

"I've decided it would be best for you if I sold you to an auction house your last few years before college."

I graduated this last year. Where I live, they allow students a two year stipend to make money for college. Usually kids only make about $10,000 since they can only hire us part-time. Most kids move out during this period too, but since my father and sister died I haven't had the balls to do that and just leave my mother. She never asked me to stay, but I thought its what she needed. Obviously I thought wrong...Here, kids are the property (basically) of their parents until they turn 22. However, you become a legal adult at 16, you can buy a house, credit card, and have sex with anyone over 16. My mother selling me? perfectly legal.

I look my mother straight in the eyes.

"how much did they say i was worth?"

she's stalling again.

"They don't decide that until the bidders bid. They said the most they've sold a girl for is $400,000,000." She finally says after sometime.


"You don't need a bag, they give you everything you need. Are you wearing cute..."

i interrupt her, i know she's going to say underwear.


"Ok. The bus will be here in..." she checks her watch "16 minutes. Did you have enough to eat?"

"Yeah." I'm nervous. A bus? Where will it take me? I've watched porn and read smut but that was all just fictional. I'm nervous. Karen can tell, and she pulls me in for a hug.

"I love you, bug." she says as she kisses me on the head. We stand like this in our humble dining room for a few minutes. A horn honks outside the door. She pushes me away, and I take one look at her before I push the storm door out and head on towards the bus. What an adventure this will be.

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