Part 4

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I stare out at the soldiers as they go about their day. The bars made more of a cage than a prison. Night falls and yet I await my execution, fitting end for my miserable life. I stretch out and my foot kicks the iron door. The bars opened to my amazement, and I take too long to think it over before I jump out of the cage. Softly, I close the door then fall into the shadows. Glancing around a small building, I see soldiers. Holding my breath I wait for them to pass. I was going to have to wait till I got to the forest to fly, I wouldn't want them seeing me. So I move quickly and quietly toward the forest edge. Almost there, I go to run when Drevon walks out of a building. Eyes wide I smash myself against the side of the building. Drevon stops and looks up at the sky then smirks. I had never seen anything so evil, I wish I could see his face when he finds me gone. What a prick. After he walks away, I book it towards the forest. As soon as my feet hit the soft earth I take flight. Flying low, I glide through the tree when it occurs to me that I have no idea where I am going. No home, no parents. Exiled from my people, I felt like crying. I could go to the High Lord and Lady but, how could I trust them? The High Lord was half Illyrian and his father was a prick so who knows what could happen. I could not trust them, I decided. And so I flew and flew.

My body slumped as the sun rose over the trees, my wings could barely hold me aloft. Bleary eyed, I squint to see that I had hit the Day Court but, would I stop? It seemed like my body wouldn't give me a choice as I lose air. A beautiful shining palace comes into view; a wide balcony is speeding towards me. My foot catches on the rail and I go down hard onto the stone ground. Skidding across the polished stone, my wings flare out as I slide to a stop. I tried to sit up but with a groan I slip back onto the ground.

"Thea! Something crashed onto the balcony!" I hear running clicks of heels but I am too tired to raise my head. A hand presses against my head. "I am not sure what she is, but she is definitely female!" Another set of heels run towards me.

"Aileen, how are we going to get her inside?"

"Go get the High Lord!"

"I don't know if we should bothe-"

"She looks on the verge of death! Go get him!" Clicks sounds as a female runs off. I shiver and curl in on myself as my body starts to get chills. A hand gently brushed my hair from my sweaty forehead. "Shhh...It will be ok." I try to pull my wings in but they only twitch. Male steps onto the balcony some distance from me followed by clicks. The smell of sunshine and rain falls over me as the male touches my forehead.

"She's of the Night Court. An Illyrian. What are you doing so far away?" I couldn't answer as a violent shiver rocks through me. "We should get a word out to Rhysand."

"No..." I moan.

"What was that?"

"," I moan. I hear silence for a moment before muscled arms heft me against a warm body. My eyes crack open to see a beautiful Fae male with golden eyes and bronze skin. His dark hair is braided half up and golden cuffs adorn the pointed tips of his ears. Through the haze of my fever, I reach up and touch his lips. "Beautiful." I murmur.

"I know." he chuckles as he carries me away. My fingers grip the silk that adorns half his chest while the other presses against his warm bronze skin. Another shiver fills my body as my wings drag onto the ground. "Impressive wingspan. Wonder what that correlates to in females?" I clung to his velvet voice, not really understanding what he was saying and just trying to stay conscious. "So an Illyrian female shows up at my palace, males not showing you the right affections?"

A door falls open and we enter then he presses me to a bed. "Sleep, young one." My eyes close automatically.

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