France x Male Reader (Lemon; Slave/Master AU)

Start from the beginning

Said blue orbs scanned the room, blond brows furrowing over them. Francis felt a small growl erupt from his stomach, making the male throw his legs over the edge of his bed. He stood up, looking around the somewhat big room as he noted the box he had dropped yesterday.

Walking to said box, Francis dived in, finding a t-shirt which he quickly threw over his somewhat petite frame. Although his shoulders stood out a little, Francis wasn't exactly muscly, that being shown by the way the shirt framed his upper body. Francis hummed in somewhat satisfaction before finally walking out of the bedroom and downstairs, aiming for the kitchen.

Long steps could be heard as Francis walked down the stairs, travelling his body to the kitchen, wishing to end his hunger as soon as possible. The male himself had brought a small icebox to keep his groceries from going bad while he moved.

Francis squatted to the floor, opening said icebox. Francis found himself moving the groceries around if effort to find something he'd actually like. His blue eyes lit up, as he found what he was looking for. Aiming his arm into the icebox a shiver went up the Frenchman's arm, travelling further down his back, before finally letting him retract his arm.

Francis then stood up, letting yet another shiver go down his back as he reached for one of the cabinets, grabbing a container.

Grabbing the container, the lid quick got off, revealing some biscuits. Francis hummed slightly as he cut himself a piece of camembert, placing it on a cardboard plate. Francis picked his container up again, walking to the living room, calmly sitting down in one of his chairs as he began eating his breakfast.

Taking another biscuit in his mouth, Francis hummed softly until a unknown sound interrupted his peace.

It sounded somewhat like a moan, causing Francis to raise a brow, finding the noise strange. The moan like mewls continued as Francis put down his plate, looking around to find the source of the sound.

A door was open to the basement, Francis turning his head, his faced furrowed into a confused expression. Francis let a hand go through his hair as he looked over at the open door, the expression on his face showing nothing but confusion and disorientation.

Francis took a step closer, the sounds violently increasing just by the small distance change. Still the Frenchman couldn't figure out what could cause the moans and mewls, it almost sounded human..

Every scenario that would have a somewhat understandable explanation was thrown out of the window each time as it just didn't seem possible nor realistic.

Letting out a final groan, Francis realised he wouldn't have other choice than to check what was causing the noise.

And oh what a sight was waiting him, unknown to the male of course.

Francis ran a hand over his face, his eyes wide as he opened the basement door further, walking down the stairs, his steps unsure and therefor a little hesitant. More moans could be heard, the further into the basement Francis came.

Although the sight that rushed through Francis' eyes were one he had never expected.

In the corner of the room a boy could be seen. He was young, completely naked and covered in all kinds of bodily fluids. His dull eyes were closed, he hadn't heard Francis coming down the stairs as he thrusted his pelvis in the air. As far as Francis could tell, the handcuffs around his wrists were bolted to the wall, causing him to half hang against the wall.

The cuffs on his ankles had been loosened, laying on the dirty floor. A sound of vibration could be heard as the boy moaned out, cumming on the floor as well as his stomach for what looked like the hundreds of times.

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