"So, why are you going to be with her?" I sounded embittered to my own ears. It was more of a rhetorical question, because I already knew the answer. I want to be understanding. This made no sense at all—after what Savannah had done to him.

"I know it's sounds crazy, but I still love Noah. He was like a brother. He's in trouble and he would do the same for me." Greyson was deluding himself. He was going for her, and not for Noah.

Noah isn't the problem. It hurts that he is going to be with Savannah. She was the one that got away. He's going to sit with and comfort her. I hope they find Noah alive. Because if they don't . . .

Greyson pulled me to him and kissed my forehead, lingering. He said he would call me tonight. He grabbed his car keys out of his jacket pocket and darted out of the door. He was headed straight to Savannah Montgomery.

I felt an intense, raw jealousy enveloping me. He chose to be with her over me. I was a friend he could cancel his plans with. Even after our shared kisses and last night's engagement party.

This is all too much to process. Before that phone call this morning—I thought there just might be a future for Greyson and me. But I can kiss that goodbye now. I went in the kitchen, where the rest of the family was gathered for an informal Sunday breakfast. The mood was extremely somber.

"Oh, sugarplum, I guess Grey told you the news about Noah Montgomery. It's just so awful. I hope they find him alive." Her eyes glistened with fresh tears. "He and Grey were like brothers, until he married Savannah. Grey was betrayed, by the two people he loved the most. It tore him apart, and took him years to recover." Ava was distraught and put her fork down, crying into her linen napkin.

Colton was visibly shaken, with his head in his hands. Andrea was comforting him and rubbing his back. I decided it was time for me to pack my things and go home. No one seemed to think it was strange that Grey was going to be with Savannah, except for me.

Ava tried to get me to stay, but I knew I needed to go home and be alone with my thoughts.  Andrea gave me a sympathetic look. She knew what was really going through my mind. Ava had Mr. Carrington and Colton had Andrea.

The man I needed, was off comforting another woman and letting her cry on his strong shoulders. There was no one for me.

I went upstairs and packed my suitcase. I felt like I was at a funeral—I said my goodbyes and left. I waited, hoping Greyson would call. I got home and I cried until there was no liquid left in my body. I kept checking my phone and my voice mail.

I wanted so desperately to call him, but he said he would call. No phone call ever came like he promised—I cried myself to sleep. I woke up Monday morning still dressed from Sunday, with my cellphone clutched in my hand. He never called.

I decided to stop torturing myself. I needed to stop thinking about him . . . it was too painful. I decided to have a new attitude for work this morning. I did a wardrobe makeover and went into the gallery.


There was one benefit from the engagement party. Business has never been better. Curiosity seekers came to the gallery to see me, once the news spread of Saturday night's events. I'm glad I dressed up for work today.

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