~Chapter 9~

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I nodded my head at her question, I then leeched onto her by wrapping my arms and legs around her. "We will have to go over some things but I think this will be really fun for both you and I."

"I think I'm going to go take a bath because the rain has absolutly soaked me and it is quite unpleasant." I told her.

  "I can go run you a bath if you would like me to, actually you stay here and I will go and do that and you watch cartoons." Esme vampire zoomed over to the living room with me still attached and sat me down infront of the tv. I watched Invader Zim, and just layed on the ground. Once Esme came back, I made grabby hands at her beckoning her to pick me up and love me.

  "What are you doing silly babe?" I thought about it for a second, This was my escape from reality. Esme told me she could take care of me and make things better and she hadn't given me a reason to not trust her. The moment she came into my life she took care of me and made me hers, I know this odd feeling of little space is new but its amazing. It makes me excited to live life again and that is something that hasen't happened in a very long time.

  "I  want uppies!" I told her, looking at her intensly.

  "Alright up we go Audrey." my blonde girlfriend picked me up and put me on her hip, she walked up the stairs and to the bathroom where there was a hot bath waiting. Esme set me down on the floor infront of the bath and she had taken off my socks and undergarments, Once I was naked she set me in the bath and I melted into the back of the tub, making little moans as the hot water made me feel all better inside. The thunder and rain still poured from the sky, I could see it from the window in the bathroom. I pointed at it making litttle sounds and splashing in the bath tub trying to get Esme's attention.

  "Esme! Esme!"

  "What honey? What's up?"

  "It raining." I continued to splash in the water and after awhile Esme tried to wash me and I began to whine. "Noo! I wanna play in the tubby."

  "Cutie, it's time to wash up. We can play in your bed and watch a cute movie, Doesn't that sound nice?" I nodded my head at her, once I gave her the okay and she had stopped me from squirming around she began to wash my hair and everything else.

  "Say bye to the water honey, it's time to get out and play elsewhere, but before that we need to go over big girl things okay princess?" Esme asked.

  "Tay tay!" I waved my hands around she picked me out of the water and set me on my feet, were she dried me off and wrapped the towel around me. We walked to my room hand in hand and I didn't stray far from her. Once I was dressed in a long shirt and underwear, I was sat on the bed while Esme ran out to her place to go get the big important things we needed to go over. I laid on my back on my bed and stared at my ceiling playing with my legs and just rolling around giggling at myself. I heard a laugh and a camera shutter and I looked over to the door way and saw Esme standing there with a black IPhone and  a backpack of things. I blushed at her and made the grabby hands as I wanted her as close as possible to me because I only felt safe near her.

  "Okay now Audrey what I have here is very important and crucial to a happy relationship, I know I gave you a bite which marks you as mine, but that only is to other vampires and such. In the community that you may have not read about in the books is a thing called a contract, which comes before all the cute things that we can do. But I need you to understand this is very important and can not be taken lightly, we are entering a BDSM relationship which comes with an entirely new set of rules that I have for you here as well as the contract you need to sign and such." She explained.

  I looked over at her and the paper she now holding and I took it from her and began to read, Once I had read everything and I processed everything this had to say I asked her for a pen and I signed my full name along the dotted line. First I did my name in cursive, and then underneath I did my name in print. Esme also did the same and I giggled glad we had the more important things done and squared away.  "Now princess its time we go over a few rules, that I have created for us."

   "Okayyyyy!!!!!" I squealed.  I looked at the second paper that she had handed me and that sat infront of me on the bed which read as follows.

    Rules for Audrey.
    Rule 1- Always refer to me as Mommy, in public refer to me as a nickname of your choosing.
Rule 2- Bedtime is 11 on weekdays and weekends its 11:30PM no later then that unless its okayed by Mommy.
Rule 3- You must eat 2 meals atleast a day, and a few snacks. I can tell when you are unhealthy fooling a vampire is impossible.
Rule 4- Naps are are not out of the question you will get one whenever I see fit and if you ask for one
Rule 5- Always tell Mommy how you are feeling, and if something is wrong, I'm here to love and care for you
Rule 6- If you ever are bratty there is a list of punishments you can possibly recive and they won't be rainbows and sunshine.
Rule 7- Never touch yourself in naughty ways, Mommy will take care of that for you refer back to RULE 5

  I looked at the rules and I nodded my head at Mommy, saying I would relinquish all control of my self and give it to her in what we would call a Total Power Exchange. Launching myself at her I nuzzled my head into her neck, she rubbed my back and leaned down near my ear. "Baby, its time for bed alright? you had a long day and its time you get yourself settled down. Tommorrow Mommy has some new things for you in her bag and some presents but you have to be good alright?"She asked me.

   "Yes Mommy." I tightened my grip around her and she moved me closer to my pillows, tucking me into the bed and kissed my forehead.

  "I'm just going to clean up and then I will be right in alright?" I nodded my little head nodding and covering my mouth, trying to hide a yawn. I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep.


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