Chapter 23 Set Fire To The Sky

Start from the beginning

Sandu took flight at the stairs taking them two to four at a time knocking at all the doors as he rand down the bedroom hallway toward his room to pack up. Sorin followed, but at a much slower pace to tell everyone what was going on so they could all pack up and be ready to leave, asap. Amalia and Catarina were both feeding the babies when Sandu flew by knocking violently on their door startling the babies in the process. Amalia had no problem, but Catarina screamed out in pain just a split second after Sandu knocked so loud on her door. Seems he startled little Bavo so that he bit into Catarina with his new found fangs, leaving behind two tiny blood marks, but not before taking a tiny sip of mothers blood along with her milk.

“Damn you Sandu wait till I get my hands on your neck, I am going to wring it but good this time mark my words.” Catarina was so pissed rubbing the breast that had two tiny bite marks from Bavo's fangs dripping her blood. “Damn You!” She shouted to no one in particular the room having only her and the baby. Wilda lightly tapped on the door opening it and popping her head in asking.

“Are you ok in here can I help you pack sweetie?” Catarina motioned for her to take Bavo so she could stand up and go shower. Once showered she went to pack up her traveling backpack with just the usual things. A weeks worth of clothes comfortable to fight in. One dress just in case they had to meet someone important afterward. It was the usual. The dress was vacuumed packed to keep it clean and compact.

They all met in the dining room for a quick breakfast meeting before heading out to the jet to leave it was a fast meeting to fill everyone in on what Sandu didn't tell everyone in the house and the four guards that go with them through a mind link. The two babies Bavo and Valia were in their highchairs playing with their cereal moving it all over their trays. Wilda was sitting between the babies laughing at them. Though she was still watching and listening to us intently to see what we were talking about.

We kissed our children gave Wilda a big hug and proceeded out to our jet climbing up the steps onto it for our flight up to Chicago's O’Hara Airport where we landed in just an hour. When we were on the ground, sitting there were three brand new all electric SUVs waiting on us with every amenity you can ever order on one. We packed them up full with all our gear then proceeded with the help of the freight manager at the cargo area of the airport and great directions entered into our tablets to drive over to the train depot. Sure enough once we neared the place it was crawling with werewolves.

Our senses went up on high alert scouting out with our keen vision there had to be thousands of werewolves both in human and wolf form meandering around the train depot and shipping yard. Up on the crane were two wolves spinning the crane around at top speed a boxcar attached by only one cable wolves falling out the open door into the water, on the deck of the ship and the ground by the dock. It was the funniest thing we had ever seen. That is till the cable broke sending the boxcar flying toward a stack of other boxcars piled up six high three deep, smashing into them; knocking them all over sending all the wolves inside scattering like a bunch of ants.

Watching it Catarina burst out laughing, we all turned our heads at what she was watching just in time to see the scattering. It was hilarious for sure, but we gave away our position up on top of the hill we were hiding up on top of so just like them we scattered just like a bunch of ants though with a more organized way to our madness. We had a plan of attack. We would surround them with shoulder fired rockets all firing at the same time from a different direction, it was your classic plan. Take out the refueling tank in the center of the lot where they were mostly congregating around a fire pit. Once they were lit up the rest take out the containers on the ship and the ones at the dock that would only leave us the ones standing by the truck loading area.

Once we were all set up the first missal went up into the air raining down upon the refueling tank. It went off with a tremendous BOOM! Fire rained down from the sky! Everywhere throughout the whole shipping grounds even igniting fires on the cargo ship. Hundreds upon hundreds of werewolves started screaming out in pain before dropping one by one to the dirt. It was a horrendous site to see, let alone the smell of dog fur burning up into the air. A few seconds after the tank went up causing all the werewolves to start running in all different directions we opened fire on them from every direction blowing up the ship, the dock, the piles of containers on the dock, and finally the rows upon rows of containers on the ground by the shipping area waiting to be put onto the truck's trailers.

From that point there were fewer than one hundred left to kill so we skirted about all four of us, and our four guards running in and between all the wolves human and otherwise killing them off; anyway we could manage to kill them off. Our guards that usually only drive the SUVs and guard them sometimes help out if needed are very well trained in hand to hand combat and personal weapons plus have their usual vampire strength. This battle raged well on into the wee hours of the night not stopping till we were satisfied that all the werewolves were dead. It was just coming sunup when we finished killing the last wolf we found climbing the crane trying to get away from us.

When we were finished we did a detailed count of the entire area including the ship and all the containers counting every wolf we were able to count with the exception of the ones closest to the fire ball from the exploding fuel tank, and came up with just over 682 dead wolves in all so we are guessing there to be well over a thousand in the beginning. There was no telling how many escaped both before we arrived and during the conflict with them with the way they scattered it is possible a few were able to escape. But for the most part we killed the majority of them and that is what counts.

Cleaning up the area with the help of the officials we left our reports with them and headed out checking as we left to be sure we didn't miss anyone just in case. Climbing back up the hill we did find one last fire burned wolf barely alive crawling away from the area. Ceferina in a wave of her hand sent a death shock out to the wolf's heart he was dead the second it hit him and he went up in flames. Not one bit of evidence of him was left to be found. Another report was written on the plane trip back home by Ceferina one of many by all four of them even the guards got in on filling out forms on the trip back home.

One short trip three and a half days, but way too much death for everyone. When will it ever end? This senseless killing, all the retribution for such little control over the mythical species and for what? Power one over the other? Food? In the end it will all come down to nothing but the total destruction of the earth just because one species wants total control of everything and everyone. Life doesn’t work that way.

Landing at Ravenwood the girls were met by two cranky young children wanting nothing but their mothers and no one else. They were in mothers arms before they could even exit the plane just like they themselves did to their mother the Queen. Wilda was just leaning against the door to the manor laughing at the two girls with their hands filled with children clinging to them for deal life as then climbed down the steps to the plane. They were welcomed back home by children and everyone alike a meal waiting for them when they arrived. Maria had everything fixed for their arrival.

It was a quiet evening, a nice meal, relaxation in the sitting room after a nice glass to drink. Then up to their rooms for a shower and to bed. A well deserved sleep momma and baby sleeping together both happy and sated.

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