
*Carter's POV*

I was walking to me car before I bumped into someone,"Watch where you're going." I growled,"It goes both ways ya know,it doesn't only talk on person to bump into someone!" the person spat back.

I turned around and I looked into the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen,this girl was beautiful with long brown hair,and perfectly arched brows,with lips that looked so soft,and she was wearing a short dark,blue,long-sleeved dress,she looked so innocent.

I glared at her,"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You're excused asshole!" she said before she continued on her way to wherever she was going, but before she could take two steps,I spun her  around so fast she stumbled into me."Listen here Princesses, I don't like it when little kids backchat me." I snarled at her.

Okay so I had a temper and my now ex-girlriend just broke my heart because she didn't want a dimond ring to tie her down so young,what was a guy supposed to do,this is why I didn't do feelings​.

Now she looked pissed,"Now you listen to me you good for nothing piece of shit..." She said while ripping her arm from mine and pointing at me,"...I don't know who the hell you think you are,firstly, I'm not your fucking princess, and secondly I'm not some little kid you can go around growling at because you've had a bad day,and thirdly,you better watch your back,because last I checked it takes two people to bump into each other,so before you go blaming people,get your head out your ass,and look where you're going,now,if you'll excuse me my ride is waiting for me."

I stood there shocked,okay sure I was a bit harsh,but damn,that hurt,she didn't even know me and she was calling me an asshole? The fuck? I growled and shoved a cigarette in my mouth and lit it up.

As I got to my car,Murphy,my Sargent at the police station, who happens to be like a farther to me hopped in.

"And now,what crawled up your ass Carter?" He asked. So I told him,and he started laughing, "Man,I never new someone could stand up to you of all people, I hope she's at the wedding so I can ask her how she does it." I glared at him,I hope she's not there. I really hope not.


Oh shit. She was here,and she was sitting right next to me. Fuck. I couldn't think straight, her smell was intoxicating.

She turned her head to look at me,and she groaned "Why? Please tell me why I have to sit next to you,of all people? Why?" I heard Murphy chuckle and I grit my teeth.

Murphy leaned over and said "So you're the girl who put Carter over here in his place? I'd like to thank you,not many people can. I'm Murphy by the way." She laughed,and I was captivated, I forgot about my ego for a minute as I listened to her laugh.

She reached over and shook hand with him,"Well someone had to do it,nobody calls me a kid and gets away with it,I'm Phoenix by the way." She says. Murphy grins,"Nice name,how old are you?" He asks.She blushes,"I'm seventeen,what about y'all? " she asks,okay so she's talking to me now too.

Murphy grins,"I'm 45,and this  nugget here is..." Before he can finish I elbow him and glare at him."I can talk for myself old man..." And I feel my face soften when I look at Phoenix,"I'm twenty-two,and about earlier? You're right I was being an asshole, I'm sorry." I say. She raises an eyebrow, "Well at least you know it." I glare at her an she chuckles.


*Phoenix POV*

  After the wedding we take pictures and go inside,surprisingly Carter and I are getting along well,I found out he's one of Seth's friends,and he's a cop.His friend Murphy seems pretty cool too,he treats Carter like a son, I find that sweet.

At the table I'm seated between Carter,and my brother Theo. We spend the whole night laughing and talking and getting to know each other.Next thing you know it,it's the bride and groom dance and soon after that couples start joining them.

Carter stands up,"Wanna dance?" He asks,I hesitate,"I uh,can't dance." I mutter.He grins and pulls me to the dance floor,"Leave that to me sweet cheeks." He says.

He pulls me close and I can smell his aftershave​ that smells of pine and outdoors."Step on my feet." He says.I look at him like he's gone mad."What!?" I whisper-yell,he chuckles and makes me stand on his feel and he sways to the beat.

With my dress being backless his warm hand touches my bare back an it sends sparks up my spine.His other hand is holding mine and my other hand is around his neck. He looks down at me and says,"See,now you can dance." And I smile.

I may have only known him a few hours,but I'm sure that's the moment I fell in love with Jessie Carter....

       Hey guys,hope you enjoyed that chapter,please comment 😎 I'll try update everyday if I can😉

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