But the other side of her said that it was all a mistake, being notice like this wasn't what she wanted and could ruin her life.

"I don't know," Hanna said glancing to her Brother, "How did they know about me - I forgot Taeyang did it." Hanna said before slapping her temple and let out a long sigh.

There's no other person who knew about her beside Taeyang, Rowoon and also Juho and they promised her to keep silent - beside Taeyang of course.

"Hanna," her bother called gaining her attention. In-Seong bit her bottom lip before taking out his phone and gave it to Hanna.

She didn't know what he meant about this but took his phone from him anyway before scrolling down the text message.

Her brows rose when the name wasn't that foreign for her.

"Taeyang wasn't the one who told the press." In-Seong said when he saw Hanna's confused look, the knitted brows and her lips copying the words in the phone multiple times.

"Think about it Hanna," In-Seong said grabbing her shoulder to turn her body face him, "If he had called the reporters for you, they would have been there minutes later after you left."

Her lips are opened but there's no words came out from her mouth and come to close it again.

This makes no sense, if Taeyang didn't do it, then who?

What In-Seong said was right, the reporters should come late if Taeyang had told them about who she really is, but when she came back to the hospital the reporters is already there.

Only three people knew about it and one of them isn't then it's down to two people.

Hanna shook her head, Rowoon and Juho wouldn't do that, what's the good for them to spill Hanna's bean?

"Jaeyoon?" Hanna asks but In-Seong shook his head.

"Jaeyoon asked me what happened and he feel sorry for you," In-Seong said but Hanna didn't buy it, "Trust me Hanna."

Going through the article and news didn't help much and Hanna didn't know what to do after that.

She could pay someone to look for it, who the culprit that spill her secrets, but where will she get the money for paying the someone who helped her?

Her father won't even give her a glance. Her mother was too scared to speak - it's like she's being controlled by her mother.

"These people need to go-" before Hanna could finish her words, the knock on her door straddle her, mostly people in her house would always walk straight in - not that Hanna told them to knock first.

Hanna went to near the door when she saw no one walking inside even though she said come in.

In-Seong had left hours ago after they talked and who it might be?

The knock comes again making her jump a little bit as she few inch away from the door and took the handle before turning it.

"R-Rowoon?" her eyes were wide open, it's been a long time since she last saw him and she's dying to meet him again.

But she didn't expect him to come where today, when the press are pooling in front of her house like crazy.

Without any more words, Hanna plunge herself towards Rowoon and circle her arms around his waist, earning an ugly voice from the male.

"Hey," he greeted with a soft voice after regained from what just happened.

He softly caresses Hanna's hair before realizing that she was crying in his embrace.

He pulled her a little bit tight, placing his chin on top of her head before shooting her with a white noise.

"It's okay, I'm here." he said as Hanna buried her face against his chest and probably will drench it soon.

Hanna needed someone to console her, talking to In-Seong was a help for her but it didn't lift the weight in her chest and her shoulders, she needs more than talking to In-Seong.

Her mother was too afraid to do something because of the husband for being too tempestuous and Hanna's mother just too afraid of what happened.

"I thought I won't see you again." Hanna said gripping Rowoon's jacket before inhaling his scent that somehow calms her down.

She missed the musk scent that he always uses it for school and didn't care if the smell is too strong for other people but Hanna found it good on him.

He smiled before pulling Hanna off his embrace and wanted to wipe the tears from her eyes but something more interesting caught his eyes yet it still shock him.

"What happened?" He asks eyes widen as he scan her purple blue cheeks.

Hanna winces when he touches it and he can't help it and pull her back into his embrace.

Minutes later, Hanna pulls Rowoon inside her bedroom to chat and him to hear all her story.

She tells him very detail from the crock to the nock and Rowoon felt a pang in his heart when he knew that Hanna's father was the one who slapped her and make the bruise.

A tear left his eyes, if he was Hanna he maybe moves away and start a new life but Hanna choose to stay.

She chooses to humiliate herself because she thinks that it was all her fault.

The end of the story Rowoon pulled her into his embrace and the question of how he got in her house was too far forgotten and by this time Hanna didn't care.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed someone." He said.

He thought that he can forget about her, but to think about it again, there's nothing going on between them but Rowoon couldn't help but to think that he's long way forgotten by Hanna because she had Taeyang.

Rowoon thought that it was easy to leave her like he left his ex's but turns out he was wrong. Hanna was different.

"I'm sorry, I should've been there." He said whispering into her ears as his hands softly caressing her hair.

"I'm sorry, I should've protected you."

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