Chapter 34

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The sun was just beginning to set as I cuddled up next to Noah beside the fireplace on the luxurious sectional in the living room.

I sipped hot chocolate from a green mug as I stared at the flickering flames, reflecting itself against the hard wooden floors.

"So what did they say?"
Noah asked breaking the silence.

I continued to stare at the flames.
"My mom didn't say much of anything. She just told me to be brave" I said wrapping my fingers tighter around the mug.
A few moments of silence went by before he spoke again.

"Well what about your father?"

"I didn't speak to him but I'm sure she'll tell him."

"I'm sure they're happy they did wanted this after all" Noah stated.

I know he didn't mean anything negative about his statement but it did make me feel a bit uncomfortable.

Just knowing that both of our parents had planned out our futures was a little unsettling.

I shifted over looking him in. The eye.
"Do you feel like you were forced to be with me?" I asked.

I knew what my parents and Mr. Hensmen wanted from Noah and I, but our relationship never seemed planned in my eye.

To me it was just something that naturally happened.

"I had no idea who you were when I bumped into you in the hallway when your were lost and couldn't find your way around, but nevertheless without the influence of my father, I became intrigued by you" Noah said looking at me as if I were the only person he'd ever loved.

"So what I'm saying is that it would've happened anyway, forced or not" He said lastly taking the mug from my hands and drinking the hot chocolate.

I smiled shaking my head.
I guess he is right.

Reaching over to my left I grabbed the remote and flipped on the television.

The news came on and I was about to change it when a picture of a young man popped up on the screen.

The remote fell from my hand crashing onto the floor, the batteries plopped out rolling around.

The man on the screen was Chad.
"Sky what's wron-"
Noah stopped mid sentence, his eyes fell to the screen.

The news lady, a middle aged brunette with green eyes spoke in a clear voice her eyes clouding with sympathy.

"A 17 year old teenage male was discovered three weeks ago in a pound deep in the Greenville forest. Chad Wesley was reported missing by friends when he separated and became lost from the group unable to be found. Search groups were then missions out to the Greenville forest ,unfortunately Chad Wesley was found dead, half decayed, the only clue to his death being a grizzly bite to his neck. As of today the police have filed this as an animal attack."

The television was then turned off and I found myself staring at my reflection in the black screen.

"You don't need to be looking at that" Noah said walking back towards the couch.

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