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Jessie p.o.v

I pulled up into the Beverly Center's parking lot and we got out. "Finally we're here." Amber said and I nodded. Its 3pm and I know that were probably gonna be here until like 7pm. Sinead started walking and I did as well. Sinead is so beautiful. For me it was definitely love at first sight. Her freckles, wild ginger hair, slightly pale skin, beautiful smile, small little elf ears are just amazing. Julian is really lucky. I could tell that he noticed that I have a thing for her.

When my friends and I were in the house he was asking us questions like were being integrated. Then Sinead walked over and I could feel a smile creep up on my face. He glared at me then kissed her.

It didn't bother me because she's not mine. Well not yet at least. We met up with the others and the girls went their separate way and so did the guys and I. Chris and I are heading to Macy's to get our mom's something. We got there and went to the dresses. "So, how was the car ride?" He asked. "Good." I said while scanning dresses. "Did you talk to her?" He asked. "Yeah, we had a nice conversation." I said. "Oh." He said. I grabbed a nice olive green dress and a purse for my mom.

I paid then Chris and I left. I walked into sephora and got my older sister new makeup brushes, that thing that makes her skin shiny and glittery, and the stuff that colors your eyelids. I don't know what anything is called. I paid for that stuff then went to Barnes and noble for my younger siblings.

I got my sister the dork diaries series and I got my brother a book on how to pick up girls. I paid for their things then left. "Jesse, help me." Sinead said. "With what cutie?" I asked. "I don't know where anything is." She said. "Follow me." I said. She nodded and we started walking. 


After two hours of help Sinead shop for her big family we decided to go to the food court. "Are you hungry?" I asked. "Not really." She said. "Yeah me either." I replied. We walked over to a table and sat down. "I wanna apologize for Julian earlier I know he did that because you were checking me out." She said. "I w-wasn't checking you out." I said. "Yeah, you were, but its okay you'd be a fool not to." She replied then we chuckled.

"You are very beautiful though." I said. "Thank you, you're handsome uncle Jesse." She said and I smiled. "Thank you." I replied. "No problem." She smiled. Oh her smile makes me weak in the knees. "Jesse, will you be my best friend?" She asked. "Um, s-sure." I stuttered.

"Yay." She smiled. Quinn and Tyler walked over and sat down. "I see smiles." Quinn said. "I'm her guy best friend." I replied and Sinead nodded. "Cool, so what are the plans for the hotel?" Tyler said. "We have to wait for the others to get here." Sinead said and I agreed. Amber, Harper, and Chris walked over and sat down. "Where's Luna?" Sinead asked. "She's walking over now." Harper said.

Once Luna sat down we began talking about sleeping arrangements. So since Luna is pregnant she's getting the bedroom, the girls are getting the pullot sofa and the guys are getting the floor. Good thing I keep blankets in my trunk.

You never know when you're gonna need them. After we finished talking we left. I put all the shopping bags in my trunk then got in. We put on our seat belts then I pulled off. The car ride was filled with a debate about if the moon landing was fake or not, until Julian called Sinead.

I'm irritated because I bet he never calls her but now he wants to see if she's okay. I know its not my place to talk about someone else's relationship but it really irritates me. After what seemed like a lifetime she finally hung up. "Sorry about that." She said. I turned the radio on then turned the volume up and continued driving.

We pulled up at the hotel and got out. We got our bags then followed everyone inside. Quinn checked in and we headed up to our room. Once we got there I plopped down on the sofa and Sinead sat next to me. "I'm gonna go to sleep goodnight." Luna said. "Goodnight." We replied then she went into her room. "So what to do?" Amber asked. "Hm, wanna play truth or dare?" Chris asked. "Sure." She said. They sat down and we started to play.


"Sinead truth or dare?" Quinn asked. She's been picking truth the whole time. I wish she would live a little. "Ugh, dare." She said and Quinn smirked. "I dare you to make out with Jesse." She said and my eyes widened. "Isn't that cheating?" She asked. "Its a simple game there's no feelings, y'all are best friends." Quinn replied. I have feelings for her though. "Fine." She said.

She turned to me and smashed her lips onto mine. I kissed her back and she shoved her tongue in my mouth. They were cheering and clapping. She bit my lip then pulled away. "Was the lip bite necessary?" I asked. "Yes." She chuckled. I shook my head. "Truth or dare Jesse?" Reagan asked. "Dare." I said. "I dare you to lick whipped cream off of Sinead's stomach." He said. "Why is this so sexual?" I asked and Sinead agreed. "Just do it." He said. "Fine, you guys are gonna get me in trouble."


Heyyy!! How are guys doing? I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend and I hope you have a great Independence day tomorrow!

In other news, I wanna start a news, I wanna start a new book but I don't have a plot for it :(

And I've decided to keep the story going! One because y'all told me too, two, because there's way too many loose ends and three, I really like writing this story

How did like Jesse's p.o.v?

Should he have another in his point of view?

Do you think it was wrong for Sinead to kiss him?

Suggested song: Take Me by MISO

Until next time

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