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I got out of the shower and got dressed. I put on the outfit I brought today then did my hair. I did my makeup then slipped on black flats. I straightened my hair then put on my accessories. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. I bumped Rena on my out and didn't say sorry. I walked outside and hugged Julian. He hugged back and kissed my head. "You look beautiful." He said. "Thank you." I smiled. We got in his car and he drove off. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Its surprise." He said. I smiled then leaned back.

Rena p.o.v

Sinead is so disrespectful. I'm just trying to be a mother to her. I wish I could get her out of here. "Hey baby." My husband said kissing my cheek. "Your daughter is getting really disrespectful." I said. "She's not that type of girl?" He replied. "She is, she snapped at me for no reason." I said. "She's probably on her menstrual cycle." He said. "That explains why she pushed me." I said and started to cry fake tears. His face got red and hugged me.

"Where is she?" He asked. "She's out with Julian." I said. He groaned the picked me up. Things are gonna fall right into place. He carried me too our room. I always get what I want.


Sinead p.o.v

"This is so good." I said while eating the meatloaf Julian made. Who knew he knew how to cook? "Slow down, you're gonna choke." He chuckled. "I don't care." I smiled. We finished eating then had dessert. After dessert we went to park.

He wrapped his jacket around me and put his arm around my shoulder. We started walking the trail. "Sinead, have you ever been in love?" He asked. "No, but I'm in love with you." I said. "I don't know if I can actually be in love." He said. "Why not?" I asked. "Because, before I got with Brittany I was with Holly, I loved her to death but she cheated on me with Amir on our one year anniversary and that's why I am who I am." He said. "Are you still in love with her?" I asked and it seemed like the whole world froze.

We stopped walking and I began to get scared. "Yes." He mumbled and my heart sank. I don't know what to say. I kinda just wanna go home. "Julian take me home please." I said. "Sinead I-" He started but I cut him off. "I don't wanna hear it, take me home." I said. He looked at me then nodded. We walked back to his car then got in. He started the car and drove off. The car ride is silent. I saw him open his mouth to say something but close it a couple times. I'm just hurt. He's been telling me he loved me but that wasn't the case. He loves Holly.

We reached my house and I hopped out of his car. I didn't say a word to him. I walked inside the house and saw my dad and Rena standing there. "Hey." I sniffed. "Don't hey me, why did you push Rena?" He snapped. Gosh I just got in the house. "I didn't push her, I bumped her." I said. "Don't lie to me." He replied. "I'm telling the truth." I said. "Patrick I've always known she hated me." Rena said crying. Those are obviously fake.

"You're grounded and your forbidden to see Julian and Carter's friends until we get back from Ireland on January 3rd." He said. "That's not fair, they're the only people I have!" I snapped. "Don't catch an attitude, upstairs now!" He snapped. "I wish you died instead of mom!" I yelled then stormed upstairs. I walked into my room and slammed my door. I locked it then sat on the floor and sobbed.


About an hour later I got myself together and started drawing. I was listening to music while drawing things like butterflies and elephants. I'm still hurt that Rena lied on me, Julian loves another girl, and I can no longer see my friends. A lot has happened. I just miss my family. I hope Carter can convenience my dad to let me go to the formal in two weeks.

There was a knock on my door and I told whoever it was to come in. Carter walked in with a smile and food. "Dad said you can go to the formal." He smiled and I hugged him. "You're the best." I said. "I know." He said and I chuckled. We sat on my bed then started eating. "You don't deserve what's happening to you right now." He said. "I'll get over it, why didn't you tell me he still loves her?" I asked. "Thought you changed him." He said. "Oh." I replied. "So are you end it?" He asked. "I don't know... Maybe." I said. "Oh." He said and nodded.

I turned on my tv and we started watching 13 reasons why. I'm so glad to have some like Carter in my life. Quinn's a lucky gal. I'm lucky to call him my brother. I just wish that I wasn't the outcast in this family. I think I may move back to Ireland with my family. At least I'll know I'm accepted and I'm loved there. "Sinead get out of your thoughts." He said. "I wasn't in my thoughts." I replied.

"Yes you were, I called your name three times." He said and I chuckled. "My bad." I chuckled. "I'm gonna get going, I'm going to go see Quinn." He said. "At 11pm?" I asked. "Yeah, don't judge, we got needs, see ya." He said. "Bye." I said then he left. I changed into my pajamas then laid down. I hope it gets better for me.


Happy hump day!! This chapter was something else. I don't if Julian and Sinead should stay together or not. How do you feel about her parents?

Suggested song: Small and Silver by wet

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