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I did my daily routine and put on a black jumper and jeans. I put my hair in a messy bun and slipped on my vans. I grabbed my things and walked downstairs. I saw the guys and smiled. Ryan and I spent all talking. Its was funny and it got sad. I didn't tell him about my mom because that's just too touchy of a subject. Ryan is definitely my guy best friend.

"Hey." I said. "Morning." Julian said. I smiled and we walked out. We got in the car and drove off. I hummed Along to shape of you by end sheran. "There's a Halloween party next Friday, y'all wanna go?" Carter asked. "Yeah." We said. "I get to pick a costume." I squealed. "I'll pick out your costume." Carter said. "No!" I said. "It'll be stylish." She said. "No thank you." I chuckled.

Julian is being really quiet. I wonder what's wrong with him. I'll see if he'll talk to me. We got to school and got out. Julian got out and I grabbed his wrist. He turned around and looked down at me. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. "You sure?" I asked. "Can we go to the bleachers?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. We walked to the football field and sat on the bleachers.

"What's up?" I asked. "Sinead, I like you." He said. "I like you too." I said. "No, I like you as a girlfriend." He said. Woah. I smiled and looked down. I've never had a boyfriend. "Do you feel the same way?" He asked. "Yeah, but I've um never had a boyfriend." I said. "Its okay." He said. "Can we just be friends until I'm ready?" I asked. "Uh yeah." He said. I hugged him and he hugged back. "We should get to class." I said and he nodded.

We got up and walked into the school. We parted ways and I walked into my first class and sat beside Quinn. "Julian likes me." I smiled. She squealed and I chuckled. "Do you like him?" I asked. "Yeah, but I told him I wasn't ready for a relationship." I said. "You better hope no one else tries to get your boo." She said. I chuckled and Brittany walked in.

"Shouldn't you be out getting drunk, Irish trash." She said. "Go sit down you wanna be barbie." I said. "You can't make me." She replied. "Let her stand, if she continues to sit her butt implants will explode." Quinn said. I laughed and gave her a high five. I love this girl.


I got baked chicken and cheetos. I got a strawberry soda. I walked over to our table and sat next to Ryan. Julian looked me and winked. I smiled and started eating. "Guys there's a winter formal in December, do y'all wanna go?" Quinn asked. "Yeah we're going." Carter said. "Do you have a date bro?" I asked. "No." He said. "You should go with Quinn." I said. "I'm down." He said. "I-I um..." She said. "She'd love to go with you." I smiled.

She was blushing so hard. "Sinead who are you going with?" Adrian asked. "I don't know." I said. He nodded and I continued eating. I could feel Julian staring at me. Honestly I want to be his girlfriend but he's a player. "Hey Julian." This girl said. She was about 5'5 with an amazing body and jet black hair. "Hey Kimberly." He said. "I heard you were single." She smirked. "That's true." He said. "Meet me in the janitors closet after lunch." She said biting her lip. He nodded and she walked away.

"Quinn let's go." I said. "But I'm not done." She pouted. "Let's go." I said. She stood up and we left. "Why would he do that!" I groaned. "He's back to his player ways its gonna be hard to hold him down." She said. "I'm just not gonna get involved." I said. "Smart idea, I don't want you to get heart broken." She said and I nodded.


The final bell rung and I collected my things. I walked out and headed to the parking lot. I got there and saw the guys leaning against the car. We got in and Adrian drove off. I laid my head on Ryan's shoulder and took a picture of us. I looked at Julian who had a hickey on his neck. "Répugnant." I mumbled. We got back to my house and I hopped out. I ran into my room and closed the door. I changed into sweatpants and a black tee.

I sat at my desk and started doing homework. I put my playlist on shuffle and sung along to my music. There was a knock at my door and I told whoever it was to come in. It was Julian. "What do you want?" I asked. "I just wanted to see if you were okay." He said. "I'm fine." I said.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked. "No, Mr. Player." I said. "Um I obviously did do some wrong because you're not talking regularly." He said. "This is how I talk now please leave I'm doing homework." I said. "Okay." He said. He started to walk out and I grabbed his wrist. "You may cover up that hickey up putain." I said then sat back down. He gave me a confused look then left.

I really should be mad nor jealous because he isn't my boyfriend. I told him I wasn't ready for a relationship. I sighed continued doing my homework.


Happy Monday! I hope everyone had an amazing weekend. I did not wanna get out of bed lol. But anyways I hope you're like the book.


Répugnant means disgusting in French

Putain means whore in French

Suggested song: Weaker Girl by Banks

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