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This is where I left off in the last chapter

"You go first." He said. "Well, I wanna flaunt you, I want people to know you're mine, I wanna show you affection but I can't." I said. "I feel the same way, but I don't wanna ruin my friendship with Carter." He said. "What do we do?" I asked. "I don't know." He said.

"Break up?" I asked. He shook his head no and I signed. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me. "We should tell them." He said. I nodded and he kissed me again. he laid back and I climbed on top of him. We kissed harder and he gripped my waist.

"All mine?" He asked and I nodded. "Good I'm all yours." He said and I smiled. "You're so beautiful." He said. "So are you." I chuckled. "I know right." He said. I chuckled and climbed off of him. The door opened and Leena and Adrian walked in with Chinese food. "Yay Chinese." I smiled.

They handed us our food and we began eating. "What were y'all doing while we were gone?" Adrian asked. "We talked." I said. "About what?" Leena asked. "My flings, Sinead is really nosey." Julian chuckled. "I bet she is." Adrian chuckled and I punched his arm.


Unknown p.o.v

"Give me the details you have on her." I said sitting on my bed. "She's pure." He said. "And naive." She said. "Oh, she's also a virgin." He chimmed in. "Perfect." I said smirking. "Why are we doing this again?" He asked. "He took something of mine so I'm gonna take something of his." I said. He simply nodded and she shook her head. "Let's get planning." I smirked.


Sinead p.o.v

We finished eating and decided to go play lasertag. We pulled up at the place and got out. We walked and paid for everything. We walked into an area and got our vests and guns. The countdown started and I got ready to destroy everyone. Not literally, I don't wanna go to jail. The countdown finished and everyone ran inside the shooting area.

I was shooting people left and right. I love these american activities man. I feel like a spy. I sneaking and rolling around shooting people. This is so fun. I was running when I saw Leena. I shot her then disappeared into the darkness. I feel like a ninja lurking in the shadows.

I shot a couple more people then an alarm went off. "The game is now over, please return to the front for awards." The person said on the intercom.

We walked back and hung our guns up. We returned to the front and sat down. "Okay so the person in first place is straight fire." He said and I stood up. He gave me a medal and a certificate. "Thank you." I said. Everyone got up. We walked out and got in the car. Adrian drove off and Leena and I sung along to teenage dream by Katy Perry.

We got back to the hotel and went to my room. I laid on my bed and Julian climbed beside me. "I'm tired." I said putting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up the next morning and stretched. Julian and Adrian was gone. Quinn and Harper are here talking. I can see the hickey on Quinn's neck so I know what she's been doing. I hope Carter used protection because I am not ready to become an auntie.

"Good morning bestfriend." Quinn smiled. "Morning, how was date night?" I replied. "Good." She smiled. "That's good." I said. Harper and Leena woke up and we went to breakfast. We got our food and sat with the guys.

We were eating and talking about what we're doing today. We're going go kart racing then tonight we're going to the carnival. It sucks we gotta leave tomorrow. I really like Los Angeles. I may move here one day.

"Sin, you okay?" Carter asked. "Yeah." I said. "Y'all let's go." Quinn said. We finished eating the went to our rooms. After my shower I put on my undergarments.

I put on a black romper and black vans. I covered my freckles then put my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed my phone and walked into the hall. Julian stepped out of the elevator and I ran and jumped on him. "They sent me up here to get y'all." He said then kissed me.

His lips are extra soft. We heard a door open and I got off of him. "They sent you up here?" Leena asked and he nodded. "Don't wanna keep them waiting." She said pushing us into the elevator.

Um she's being weird. I pushed the lobby button and started talking to Quinn. "So, when are we going dress shopping?" I asked. "We can go tomorrow before we leave." She said and I nodded. We got to,the lobby and met up with the other guys. We all piled in the car and Ryan drove off. I can't wait to beat everyone in racing.


Hello peeps! Sorry for the short chapter. This is more like a filler. Today has been hectic. I'm officially on spring break and I'm so happy! But how did y'all like it?

Should Julian and Sinead break up?

Who do you think the unknown p.o.v is?

Do you trust Leena?

Tell me how you guys feel. Until Wednesday!

Suggested song: Atic by Astrid S

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