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Percy Pov

The giant war was almost three years ago and everything was peaceful for the demi-gods. Demi-gods not me. I was chained up in the throne room of Olympus.

"Perseus Jackson you are here to be judged by the gods and demi-gods. You are accused of treason against the gods and beating up your fellow demi-gods! You will be send to Tartarus!" boomed Zeus

"I hadn't done anything like that." was my answer.

"He is speaking the truth father. Neither I nor Artemis had seen anything and I am the god of truth so I can feel that he isn't lying."

"We will pull up a vote for his fate. Hermes get the demi-gods." argued Zeus stubbornly.

Ten seconds later all my friends stood there right in front of my chained form.

"Demi-gods we are here to decide the fate of Perseus Jackson. Who believes he is innocent?"

Only Hestia, Apollo, Hades, Artemis, Nico and Thalia raised their hands. After they saw that the other voted against me Nico was really pissed and began to yell.

"How can you do that? He saved you countless times. Without him you all would be dead."

"No he would be dead without me. I got out of Tartarus and carried him out. I defeated Kronos and saved his life. I killed Gaea."shouted Annabeth. Power-hungry bitch.

"If you think like that Annabeth Chase then I, Hades curse your soul to wander to Tartarus after your death so you may come out again. I curse you to fight him when the next Titan rises."

Annabeth looked terrified now but her fear was nothing compared to my pain. My fatal flaw broke. My loyalty disappeared. I broke. My father, my girlfriend, most of my friends... they all want to see me dead. But I wanted to make them fear one last time. Because of this I chose my last words to be like this.

"You are doing a mistake. When you need help the next time I shall not be there. I shall watch you fall. I shall help the ones under your people who I am loyal to. But I shall also lead your downfall because I will survive Tartarus again and come back to destroy your reign. I shall be your doom. I won't side with the primordials but I shall lead my army to bring your reign to an end. You shall die because of my blade piecing through you hearts. I shall burn Olympus and build this world up from the ashes to a new great time. I shall end your existence. I shall make you fade. I  swear this on the river Styx, Chaos and the Void. For the ones who are supporting me you shall survive my wrath and stay as gods to rule. I am sorry that I will fight against your brethren but just know that I won't fight you. Know that Zeus: I defeated my grandfather now it is your time to do the same. Goodbye everybody."

Yes I was furious but what do you expect me to be. My family is pushing me to hell. Literally. And yes I know that Uranus is rising because Gaea something like:

"Join me because we have to defeat my husband who is rising again and I am the only one who is able to do so."

I knew she was right so I didn't even argue. Tartarus and Nyx and Bob also said that he is rising. No argument with Bob.


He opened an large crack under my feet and I, stupid as ever, jumped in.

----Line Break-----

Although I have more serious problems at the moment I couldn't think of something else then how bored I am. I mean I am falling for hours now and nothing happened. Boring! I knew I would die anyways so I just wanted it to happen.

As I finally crashed into the ground I was surprised that I hadn't died and that the air was clean. Then I saw the reason. Infront of me were the three fates on the steps of an really big palace. The palace had silver and gold designs and on the doors was a scissor and a hourglass. I didn't knew whose palace this was but it looked beautiful even if I was in Tartarus. Then the fates spoke in unison.

"Perseus Jackson your fate is nobody's to decide so do not blame us for what happened, blame the people who did it. Our parents wish to speak to you.  Good luck young hero for you will need it when you stay infront of our mother. And just know that we are sorry for how your life became."

"If you really have no control over my life then you are innocent and I shall not blame you for anything that happened to me."

That made them smile. After that I went into the palace. Inside the palace were a long hallway. Suddenly the fates appeared again and mentioned me to follow them. After some walking we reached a big door which lead into a throne room. In the middle of the room were three big thrones. One white, one black and one grey. The black one in the middle. Next to those three thrones who obviously were the thrones of the rulers of this council were two other thrones. One throne was golden the other one silver. On those thrones were two beings. One was a woman around the age of 40 with long purple hair which flowed in waves down to her shoulder and purple eyes. She was pale but still beautiful. Holding her hand was a man who appears around 50 years old and has short white hair and no beard. He was a well builded man. They both were sourounded by an aura of power.

---Time Skip-----
(Crounus and Ananke introduced themself)

Ananke then began to tell me why I was there.
"Perseus Jackson as you know you do not have a life thread and because of that circumstance we decided that you shall be the one to try to wake my mother and her two brothers, Order and Void. You must know the first and best reign was under my mother and her brothers. Now we want to return them as rulers of this world and we need to do that fast because they are awaking slowly and most of my siblings are about to wake in about 10 earth years or 10000 years here in the palace of time. That is enough time to return most of their powers but you will be their champion for that is what is required to wake an powerful being up. For that you have to ask their subcunsciousness and see if they approve. If they do not then you will die immortal or not. If you succeed you will train your fighting skill with Crounus and your intelligence and wisdom and power with me. Do you accept?"

I answered really fast.
"Of course"
I mean I could die and get away from the pain. That is to good to be true. So I went to the room where their subconscious is and almost fainted as I got there because of the raw power in the room. I quickly went in the middle of the room and began to speak.

"Hello. I am Percy Jackson and I want to be your champion because you need to return. The gods suck at being rulers and the primordials are waging war. And they are worse than the gods excluding Crounus and Ananke of course. So umm... do you choose me worthy?"

Suddenly three voices could be heard.
"What do you think Void?" asked a female voice. That was Chaos.
"He is truly good and worthy for being our champion because he has a good heart and is totally loyal. He wouldn't backstab us like Gaea did. And he is strong. We would have to make him immortal but nothing more. I choose him worthy." said a male probably Void. Then Order decided to speak.
"I agree with Void sister. Look at his past. He would be a perfect champion." After that Chaos finally agreed. Then they spoke some ancient language and I began to glow. Then I did the most common thing for demi-gods. I fainted.

---Power from Perseus-----

-From Void
- summon faded souls
- enchant his weapons to fade his victim if it is immortal
- summon Void flames
- power increased

-From Chaos
- control over all elements
- large power increase

- From Order
- very large power increase


(After 10000 years)

I had trained all the time and now I am really good with my powers. Void's power is the one most awesome because Leto and Rhea are very nice. Now it is my time to return to Olympus. At least I can see my friends again. If they are still alive excluding the four gods who are still there. Suddenly a silver portal appeared infront of me right to uncle Hades realm. Olympus here I come.

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