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Teresa's hands trembled as she reached for the door. Her hand faltered when a scream was heard outside. She sighed, realizing it was a scream of frustration more than anything else. The door pushed open easily and you and Teresa were out in the Glade before anyone could blink. The door slammed behind you, yet another signal that there was no turning back.

"Where's Gabi?" Teresa asked, looking around. You hadn't seen her either, but you heard her many times.

"Maybe she got eaten by a Griever," you suggested, but that was quickly thrown out the window when you heard a scream and saw a figure running back from the closest door.

"-god, ew. Fucking thing looked at me like it was going to eat me. I hate this place. Why did I agree to this again? I hate working for Ashly-" Gabi kept going on and on as she slowed to a fast paced walk. Her long black hair had been tied back in a tight ponytail and she shivered in her expensive purple sweat jacket.

"Gabi!" Teresa called the girl over.

"Oh, thank mercy, Teresa!" She called back jogging over. Her paced slowed yet again when she saw you and a scowl formed on her grossly chapped lips.

"Bitch-" she yelled and put a hand up in a threatening way when she came into arms reach.

You grabbed her hand even before she swung and looked her in the eye. "Gabi, I swear. I want to get out of here just as much as you do. And as much as I hate the thought of you actually helping us, please. We need you to help us out here," You gave her a hopeful look.

Gabi shot Teresa a confused glare. Teresa confirmed what you said to be true and that you all needed her help to get out of here alive.

"How am I supposed to help you?" Gabi asked yanking her wrist from your grasp and putting her hands on her hips. "Why would I help you anyway?"

"Simplest way to put it is: would you rather a slight chance of surviving or no chance at all?" You explained, shrugging.

"I want a full chance of surviving," Gabi complained.

"Well, sorry sweetheart. You're definitely not going to find it here,"


There was a distant explosion heard, somewhere far beyond the door opposite the one you were facing.

"Slight chance or no chance?" Teresa asked, hurriedly.

"Slight," Gabi answered and ran to the door on your right. As she ran smaller explosions and the sounds of the outer wall falling could be heard.

"Gabi, where is it?" Teresa yelled when you arrived at the wall. Gabi tapped her hands in various places and a look of defeat flashed over her face momentarily that suddenly turned to rage. She slammed her hands on the wall and looked surprised when a small portion of the wall gave and caved in slightly in the shape of a door.

"Well," You said slowly. "That worked,"

All three of you pushed the door in, which was way heavier than it looks. The door slid slowly with the sound of rock scraping against rock hitting your ears at full blast. Then the door finally gave and fell backwards, revealing a room you have never seen before. The room was huge, with high ceilings and white tiles. The room wasn't lit so that was the limit of your sight into the room. You felt the wall beside the door for a light switch, but came up empty handed. Teresa felt around the wall on her side and found a light switch, flipping it on showed most of the lightbulbs in the ceiling lights had either gone missing or broke. The few that worked gave off enough light for you to see across the room. In the room, lab tables were spread out evenly, supplies still visibly left on the tables in unorganized heaps, suggesting that whoever was last here left in a hurry. Still though, walking into the room felt like intruding on something you weren't supposed to see.

"This place is gross," Gabi noted, kicking over a dropped tray.

"Great analysis," You said sarcastically. Walking into the room, dust kicked up around you and you coughed into your sleeve.

"How long did she say this place was abandoned again?" Teresa asked, looking in a glass case pushed up against a wall. She wiped some dust with her sleeve to see clearer inside. More empty, broken vials were left lying on the bottom of the case.

"How long do you think we have until this place caves in on top of us?" You asked, wiping dust from your eyes. You saw Gabi doing the same thing before she sneezed.

"Well the explosions stopped, so I'm guessing we have at least some time to wander around and find out where we are," Teresa answered.

Just as the door to the Glade closed over the door you pushed in earlier, there was a crash somewhere outside, causing you, Teresa, and Gabi drop to your knees, covering your ears.

Gabi signaled you and Teresa to hide behind a fallen display case. As soon as Gabi, the last person to get behind the case, was hidden, a shadow covered some of the light coming in from the open doorway.

There was a large huff, like a sound you would hear a giant animal make in movies. Then the shadow passed on, leaving the three of you terrified and finally realizing just how dangerous what you're doing actually is.

"What was that?" Teresa asked, breathing heavy, her eyes blown wide.

"I don't want to find out," Gabi said, pulling Teresa after her when she stood up and ran, leaving you to follow on your own.

The three of you tried to step lightly, to keep your footsteps quiet. There was no noise except the occasional sound of the lights on the shelves short circuiting.

Eventually, the room ended and you came to a wall with cracked paint and bullet holes. There was a wide glass door some ways farther down the wall. The room beyond the door was dark, so you couldn't see what was in it.

Your breathing suddenly quickened when the door slid open and a hunched figure limped through. The figure would have been tall, if it wasn't bent over so much. It's boney arm reached out as it doubled over even farther and a gross goopy liquid fell from its mouth, splattering on the floor. The figure strained to straighten out again, but managed, and limped on. You watched it disappear into the maze of cases, dreading what you would see if you went through that door.

Escape to the Hills // Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now