Chapter I

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Chapter 1 : Goodbye
~Lucy's P.O.V~

I've been preparing for this, I know what to do and say. I've rehearsed over and over, in my mind and in the mirror, even to Plue. So why am I full of nerves?

     I have yet to enter the guild, I'm just awkwardly standing before the door starting at it. Sweat lightly forming on my forehead. 'Come on Lucy, you can't back out now. You shouldn't stay where you don't belong,' I was talking to myself again. Something I picked up after people started ignoring me.

     I wiped the sweat and built the courage to enter. Nobody saw me, they were busy with their own lives.
     'Hey Mira! Is Master in his office?,' I waved to Mira as a greeting. She turned to find me waiting expectantly.
     'Hi Lucy. I do believe Master is there right now. Why do you need to talk with him?' Mira questioned me slightly tilting he read to the right.
     'Don't worry about it, I'll be back soon,' I replied, pulling down the sleeves of my new leather jacket. I brought it especially for today, the arms were rather long which was perfect for hiding anything new on my arms.

     I slowly made my way to Masters office. The back of my mind hoping, praying that someone might stop me and make me stay. But no such luck, I'd made it to his office. A replay of what happened only a few moments ago went on. The sweat, staring at the door and a stomach full of nerves.

     I hesitantly knocked on the office door. My knocks so small I had to knock again after waiting a few seconds.
     'Come in' I heard Master from the other side of the door.

     'Lucy, my child, why is it that you need to talk with me?' Master asked, he seemed rather confused at my presence in his office.

     'I-I need to talk. A-about this.' I pulled back my sleeve and pointed to my pink Fairy Tail insignia.
     'What about it? Do you want a change of colour or placement. Don't tell me you want to leave the guild.' I didn't know you could change the colour or placement, but the last thing Master mentioned was why I was here.

     'Master, I-I want to, to leave Fairy Tail.' I had managed to speak with  some confidence. Master's face held a shocked expression.
'Why? Are you unwell? Has another guild caught your eye? Is there something wrong with the guild?' Master was questioning me intensely. I knew he wanted me to stay a part of the Fairy Tail family. But I didn't belong here, everyone else seemed to already know that.

'There's nothing wrong with the guild. I think there's something wrong with me,' I had more confidence now, knowing that I was probably right.
'What do you mean?' Master was now concerned, probably about my mental health.
'I don't really know. But I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks that,' I was sure everyone in the guild knew I didn't belong were I was.

'Will you ever return?' Master seemed to be the only one who wanted me to stay.
'I will someday. If you'll still accept me then,' I gave him my small rehearsed smile. He let out a disappointed sigh.

'If you promise to return someday then I'll let you go,' he started to get emotional.
'Master, I have a small request,' he seemed intrigued at what I wanted from him.
'Please don't tell the guild I left until they remember me,' Master seemed confused, surely they would notice as soon as I didn't turn up to the guild. Then the confusion changed to fury as he realised why I was truly leaving.

Master removed my pink marking from my hand, signalling my true departure from the guild. His eyes were slightly watery, mine the same. I didn't want to leave my home again. It was for the better of the guild.

'Goodbye Master,' I sniffed lightly. He frowned at me, seemingly upset at my words.
'You promised to return. And if you know what's good for you, you'll return to us,' I giggled lightly, before replying.
'See you later Master,' I pulled down my sleeves and started to make my way away from the guild.

Making sure my letters were handed to the land lady, and that she knew what to do with them, I said goodbye to her as well. She also teared up, sad to see me go. Admitting she liked having me here and the fact that I always paid for my rent on time.

'Goodbye Mangolia. Goodbye Fairy Tail.' I got on the first train to Hargeon.

How'd you like my first chapter of this story. The idea came from the popular story idea I see on Wattpad all the time. But I'm putting my own spin on things.

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