Chapter 16

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I would've fought a wheelchair if my entire body didn't scream when I stood up. They removed my stitches and my back hurt more than ever. Cassian all but shuffled me into the wheelchair. After yesterday he had turned into the protective boyfriend. He stood there with his arms crossed and watched as the doctors took the stitches out. He shook his head and told me to stop protesting when they gave me medicine.

When they brought the wheelchair and I started to say I could walk all he did was glare in my direction and the protest died on my lips. I knew he would've carried me if I let him.

"Okay we got pain medicine for you," the doctor smiled as I settled into the chair, Cassian's black shirt soft against my bruises. When he had been told to bring me clothes he brought me his. I was grateful to be out of that scratchy gown and to be wearing something that wasn't mine.

He had brought me his shirt mostly because hd didn't want to go back to my apartment. He didn't want to leave me and there was a bag of clothes already in his car.

"Don't worry she'll take them on the hour every hour," Cassian smiled at me sweetly. I had a feeling he was going to mother hen me until I went crazy.

The doctor smiled, "just get some rest. Your body already knows it needs to heal. I want your life to be normal again. Let your friends help you. Your mind will take a little longer to catch up."

Cassian squeezed my hand gently and I knew what that meant. He wanted to be the one for me. I nodded knowing I needed his support too. I looked at the doctor and nodded, "don't worry. I will have a lot of support. Thank you."
He patted my head as Cassian wheeled me past and out of the doors.

"Can I take you to my place Nesta? You need someone to watch over you and I just can't imagine taking you to your place and leaving you there when Tomas is out there."

I rolled my eyes, but I felt a flutter in my chest, "yes Cass. You can take me to your place. I don't think.. I don't think I can sleep alone right now."

He helped me into his car, kissing me softly before he pulled away, "don't worry. You don't have to."

He ran around to the driver's side, "and hey, I think I have to give you a few sponge baths before you're allowed to shower alone."

He wiggled his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes, "you're a child. I swear."

"No sweetheart. If I was a child this would be wrong."

He picked up my hand and laced our fingers together. Then he kissed the back of my hand.

"Thank you for being here. For being my person even though I tried to push you away."

Cassian looked at me as he stopped at the light, "I'm not going anywhere Nesta. No matter how hard you try to push me away. You're stuck with me, because I care about you."

I leaned into his shoulder, the medicine making me slightly tired, "you have no idea how much that means to me, Cass," I whispered softly as I held his hand. He didn't realize that even though they were words, they meant the world to me. Because he was still here, he had proven to me that he was going to be here no matter what.

Even a crazy ex couldn't keep him away. If that wasn't boyfriend material, I didn't know what was.

I was ready to fall back asleep as he drove slowly, avoiding bumps so I wouldn't wince. He didn't take the highway, he took the long way, letting me feel the sun for a little longer. I had my arms wrapped around his muscle and I didn't want to let go. Cassian sang along to the radio softly, the sound made my heart flutter The sun was warm, I had missed being outside. I let out a sigh as the car slowed and he pressed his lips to my forehead.

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