Chapter 8

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"So why do you hate nicknames?" Cassian asked as we walked behind everyone else. He held my hand and it felt like our first official moment as an actual couple. I couldn't help but smile was I glanced his way.

He was handsome, even with his long hair. He had it tied up at the nape of his neck. He made my heart skip a beat with his crooked smile.

"Tomas called me baby the night he hurt me," I had never told anyone the truth, "and I just don't like remembering. He tore me away from my sisters. He ruined my reputation."

Cassian sighed, "I should've punched him in the face when I had the chance."

"Feyre's right. He's not worth it," I answered quietly, "one day I'll tell you what he did. When I finally feel like it doesn't matter anymore."

"It doesn't," he pulled me close and kissed my temple, "I'll make sure you find a way to let it go. To stop letting him hurt you."

I smiled at him, "you already have Cass."

Cassian squeezed my hand in return He seemed okay with my answer, with everything that had happened between us. My heart skipped a beat, something I had never actually felt before. I let out a breath, blushing at myself as Cassian stayed beside me. He seemed content with the pace I had set to stay behind the others. To keep to our own little bubble, where everything was finally starting to fall into place.

"So what if a terrible accident befell Tomas while we were out here? I mean like, say he looks over the edge just a bit too far and falls? Solves everyone's problems, right?"

I snorted, "now don't pick a fight, Cass. Behave."

He stopped, my hand still in his so he pulled me to a stop too. His brown eyes were brighter than I had seen before. Those eyes that were becoming my favorite shade of brown, a color I had never really cared for before. But Cassian's eyes were beautiful, a mix of dark and light browns that swirled together. That held laughter and mystery.

A smile spread across his face, lighting it up even more. "You called me Cass. I feel like this is a moment. We're having a moment."

I rolled my eyes, "I already agreed to go on a date with you, you big brute. And you practically jumped me back in our room and I gave into that too," my cheeks were burning, "calling you Cass is not that big of a deal."

We started walking again, "it is to me. You might not like nicknames, but I do."

"Okay, Buzzard," I nudged his shoulder with mine, trying to bite back my smile. But it was hard to do around him. He had gotten past my defenses and I just wanted to be happy with him, "I'll be sure to find all the best ones for you."

Cassian leaned into my side and kissed my cheek, "honestly as long as you're calling me I'll be fine with it."

We found our way back to the group then, my cheeks still bright red. Cassian still held my hand. Everyone was laughing and talking loudly as we got to the top of the trail. I hadn't even noticed how fast we were going, or how short of a trip it really was to get to the top. When we were younger we used to complain. Well me and Elain complained. Feyre loved coming up here. She had always loved this place.

As we got to the top my mouth fell open. It was breath taking. The trees went on for miles, the sky did too. The air felt cooler, the sun felt brighter. It was a moment, a view I had to take in. I walked away from everyone, pulling my hand out of Cassians as I went towards the edge. I took in the scene, a feeling coming over me. As if this was my moment, a moment I had been searching for since before we agreed to this weekend.

The sun warmed my cheeks, the air filled my lungs. And for the first time since Tomas had tried to scare me, since all those nights ago when he tried to ruin me, I felt a fraction of the girl I used to be come back to me. As I stood there realizing how big this world was, how little I was in comparison, I realized how little Tomas mattered.

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