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"He was looking at you and you let him! How dare you! Why do you have to be such a slut?" A slap delivered to my left cheek. My head whipped to side from the impact, making a pain form in my neck. He grabs my ponytail and pulls my head to the side, exposing my neck to his angry canines.

"I didn't know Conner!" I cry, tears burning me eyes from the pain he causes me. I cover his hand with mine, trying to get him to at the least, ease up his hold. I know struggling only make him angrier, and more likely to continue his assault until I just can't struggle. "I wasn't looking at him so I couldn't know. I was only looking at you baby. Please just love me," I added to try and talk him down. I whimpered pathetically, unable to contain any more of the sounds of pain that I have tried to push back down my throat.

"You were looking at me only?" He states as more of a question. His hand loosens ever so slightly, but the relief is exquisite. I almost sigh out loud, but that could sometimes be just a dangerous as fighting back.

I nod quickly, not wanting more of a beating. 'You'd know I was looking at you if you hadn't been looking at other girls. Hypocrite,' I thought glumly, my eyes trained on the floor to avoid staring into his for too long. I definitely don't have any intention of challenging him today.

"Okay fine. I believe you... this time. Come here," he demands, opening his arms for me to step into. I immediately latch onto his waist, terrified that he'll change his mind and I'll end up with a concussion again. He softly shushed me, running his hand over my hair in what he probably assumed would be a relaxing gesture. It is anything but. Every time his hands are on me...it is everything but.

I cried silently in his chest. I cried for the pain in my neck, cheek, and scalp. I cried for how scared I am. I cried for how stupid I was to ever trust him to start with.

"Shhh. I'm sorry baby," he says without meaning it, "I just get jealous. You are mine, Sage, and I need you to know that. I'm sorry that I had to punish you," he apologizes, hugging me tighter and kissing my temple. He didn't mean any of it. If he meant it he wouldn't keep hurting me. If he meant it he would actually love me. You don't abuse someone you love. I don't care how many times you say you love them. You can not contradict yourself that bluntly.

He was disgusting. An absolute monster made personally for me it seems.

"Sage it's time to come home," my mother called from the front door entryway. I nod against Conner's chest even though I doubt she can see me.

Conner cups my face in both his hands and pulls my face to his, pressing his lips to mine. He pulls me closer by my hip, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I try to kiss him back enough to match his energy, but honestly I hated kissing him in front of my mother. I hated kissing him in general... but my poor mother does not need to witness his cruelty on any of its levels. Besides... he only kisses me this possessively in front of her to just further prove how truly powerless she is compared to him. Never out of love...just his everlasting spite.

He pulls away first and brushes my bangs out of my face. "I love you. I'll see you tomorrow so I can walk you to school."

I nod submissively, "I love you too Conner. Bye."

I walked away from him and hugged my mother's side when I got to her. She glared back at Conner as we left. No matter how many times I pleaded with her not to, she always would. She hated him with a burning passion. She hated him more than I did, it seemed.

Her hate grew every time he hurt me, forced me to kiss him, or made me cry. But what could she do?

He's the Alpha's son- heir to the 'throne'. He had Alpha power and received better treatment. No one held him accountable for his actions because no one could stand up to him without repercussions. Not even his Father, our current Alpha, cared to intervene. Although that man doesn't care about much to begin with anyway. I should have known from his father alone the kind of man my boyfriend would turn into.

There was no way away from Connor. I even tried once. Months ago. I told him it was over after he had broken my right arm and gave me a black eye. It was the sixth time he had hurt me and I was fed up with his empty promises. He only got worse with each rage trip he went on. He was jealous and possessive, and didn't give a damn about my well-being.

That night after I thought I had escaped our relationship, he came to my house and beat my little sister to a pulp until I begged him to forgive me and take me back. She was worse than he had ever done to me up to that point, and she wasn't even old enough to have her wolf at the time so her healing was almost as slow as a human's.

Even if I wasn't quite 15 yet, I had my instincts to protect her. She was my baby-sister and my best friend. Although only 13, I could talk to her about anything and she was always there for me.

After Connor took over my life, my ability to connect with others suffered greatly. He didn't necessarily limit me, but what's the point of friends if you can't tell them everything that your boyfriend does to you? What's the point if you have to lie about your unexplainable, multitude of reoccurring injuries? What's the point of having friends...if they can't and won't stick up for you...help you...save you?

It's safe to say that Faith would be the only one close enough to me to hurt me. And so he threatened me that he would execute her and my mom in front of my eyes, and the entire pack, if I ever tried to leave him again. As if that wasn't traumatizing enough, he added that after they were dead he would mark me by force and then rape me where I stood so that we would be completely bonded and even then...I still could not leave him.

I could never leave unless he sent me away. And with how possessive he is, I know that would never happen.



And so it begins :)

Hope you all are ready for another wild ride. 


~AlyCat :)

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