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Justin's POV
Starring at the tv as paw patrol played "Justin you want a snack," turning my head slightly "p-please." I replied as I slowly stood & made my way over to the kitchen; "it's an olive spread." Mommy addressed as she spreads the dark coloured goo all over a cracker.

"You'll love it I promise" she spoke as she handed me a napkin & the cracker; "it smells f-funny." I whispered as I headed into the living room, looking at the tv I smiled as a song plays. Looking down at the cracked I smiled & licked the gooey stuff, my nose scrunched up.

Standing up I quickly headed back into the kitchen; "you lied!"

Marcy's POV
"Hey don't shout if you don't like it then throw it away," I spoke as he wiped his tongue with the napkin. "S-sorry" he whispered right before grabbing a couple of crackers. "It's okay honey I just wanted you to try it," I spoke with a giggle "the puppies will be here soon!"

I spoke excitedly as I saw cars pass by "why a-are we getting a n-new puppy is L-lassie dying?" I smiled god he's to fucking cute "no honey she's only 3 years old, I just miss having a puppy around." I answered as I washed my hands, "how m-many puppies w-will come?"

I thought for a second "I think four & we only choose one," I replied as we plopped down on the couch. "Boy or g-girl" he asked as he laid his head against my shoulder; "depends on which one we pick." I answered as I laid my head back against the couch.

I was getting ready to close my eyes when I heard the doorbell ring; Lassie began barking as Justin ran upstairs. "It's just a doorbell Justin come down, don't you wanna see the puppies?" I called out as I opened the front door to see an older lady; with four gorgeous puppies.

"Welcome come on in" I spoke as I saw Justin finally appear, "puppies" he screeched with excitement. "Be careful" I addressed as he lifted a curly haired pup, "that's Ginger she's a doll." The breeder commented, "I w-would like t-this one" Justin's whispered as he petted the puppy.

Smiling I looked over at the breeder "how much for Ginger" I asked as I grabbed my wallet? "He's 3500$" my eyes widened but money wasn't a problem, I thought as I wrote a check. "Here you go" I spoke with a chirp; looking over I watched as Justin ran down the hall, Ginger right beside him. 

The breeder left & to me she was a bit odd but oh well, I thought as I watched the puppy lick Justin's face. "Why don't we run to PETCO;" I suggested as I ran my hand through the puppy's curly coat. He looked up & smiled "it's a p-pet store r-right" he asked as he lifted the puppy.

"Yeah it's a pet store we can get all her supplies there" I replied as I grabbed my car keys. "Keep ahold of her okay, but don't squeeze her" I spoke as as we headed out to the car. Making sure the puppy was in the car, I then made sure Justin buckled up, "there might be other dogs on the store."


We were finally at the pet store it took forever to get here, there wasn't many people here. Killing the ignition I stepped out of the car & made my way to Justin, "how's she doing?" I asked with a smile as I lifted her out of Justin's lap, "can I c-come in?"

Smiling "of course you can" replied as I waited for him to get out; "what color collar should we get her?" I questioned Justin as we grabbed a cart, "green" he shouted excitedly. Nodding my head "that'll be a pretty color" I responded as I grabbed a puppy pillow & placed Ginger in.

It was an hour & thirty minutes later we finally had everything we needed, "can we go get p-pudding?" Justin asked as the cashier rang everything up, "yeah we can go get pudding." I replied as I fastened the collar on Ginger, then I clipped the leash on.

"Hold on to the leash" I spoke as I grabbed my credit card, "that'll be 748$" the cashier spoke. Running the card through I waited for it to to say approved, "thank you for shopping at PETCO!" The cashier mumbled sarcastically as she handed over the recite, "thanks."

After I paid & we travelled back home Justin my little baby boy fell asleep, his light snored filled the air as Ginger whined. "Ginger he's just napping lye down" I demanded as I pulled out onto the highway, the song highway to hell played.

Justin also had some pudding on his face, which made him look even more adorable than ever. As I drove down our road I totally forgot we're celebrating Kelly's seventeenth birthday tomorrow! Which made me smile I still can't believe she's 17 years old, as I pulled into the driveway I saw the kids father.

"Darrel what are you doing here" I questioned nicely as I opened the car door letting Ginger out. Justin slowly lifted his head a couple tears rolled down his cheek, "bad dream baby boy?" I questioned as I wiped away the tears & helped him out, "who's this?"

Darrel questioned with a smile "this is Justin he's twenty two & he's autistic, he's my little baby." I spoke proudly as I wiped away the pudding, "Justin this is Darrel; Kelly & Josh's father." Justin slowly ducked & hid behind me "don't be scared darling, he's a good man."

He just nodded & walked away "where you going Justin" I questioned as I saw him walk away. "Gotta p-potty" he cried out as he pushed the door open, chuckling I smiled & looked up at Darrel. "Can we talk about something," he asked as he held his hand out.

"Yeah sure is everything alright?"

I asked as I took his hand & walked him into the house, "it's about um us" he spoke as we sat at the bar. "What about us I mean we we're good together but still," he smiled softly "I wanna try things again." He mumbled as he rubbed my arms, "Darrel i love you but do you think, getting back together is right?"

He smiled l pulled me closer "I made a mistake leaving you when Kelly was born, let me show you that I changed. It's been seventeen years just give us a chance please?" Smiling I gave a soft smile "can I sleep on it" I asked as he pulled me closer "if it will give you a better chance of saying yes; than yes."

I was getting ready to say something when I saw Justin jumping on the couch, "Justin no jumping." I warned as I made my way over to him, "if you fall it will hurt" I mentioned as he sat down. He gave a slight giggle before kissing my cheek, "l-love you m-mommy" he stuttered "I love you more."

Chapter 5 is done & I'm so freaking happy to be back on wattpad!!!!
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