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Marcy's POV
I've been over exaggerating about asking Justin why he was wandering the streets all alone, for a boy like him he shouldn't be. But again I can't figure out the right question to ask, should I just ask & get it over with?

"Justin can I ask you a personal question," I asked as he laid against Lassie, who was getting very close & protective of Justin. "A-am I in trouble" he asked as he sat up, Lassie soon joined him "no darling not at all."

"How did you end up on the streets," I asked as I scratched Lassie behind the ear, "my m-mommy didn't like me. S-she said I was a mistake & when I tuned 20 she said we where g-going for drinks," I was to young to drink, so I knew s-she was lying.

S-she pulled over onto a curb & dropped me off, she said s-she be back, that was 2 years ago" he mumbled. "Aww Justin I'm so sorry, I don't know why anyone would ever do that," I apologized as I pulled him closer.

"It d-doesn't matter I like my life now," he whispered before looking up at me, "whys that" I asked with a smile. "S-some who actually cares about me wants me around," he spoke right before Lassie got in my face.

Gods she's so protective "mom I'm home" Josh called out, I smiled & looked over my shoulder to see Josh. "Hello my soon to be Senior" I spoke positively as he came forward to only frown at Justin.

"Mom are you being a cougar he's like 10 years younger than you," he complained as he pointed at Justin. Who was now frightened by the loud shouting, "heavens no this is Justin he has autism."

His thrown went away & turned into a line, "Justin this is my oldest child Josh," I introduced as I stood up. "H-hi y-you wanna p-play" Justin asked excitedly as he stood up on the couch, "off the couch like that Justin."

"But l-lassie does it" he argued "no I don't wanna play, I don't hang out with losers" he whispered loud enough for me to hear. I frowned & began to cook dinner, while I cooked Justin sat on the couch unfazed by the fact he was called a loser.

Maybe he was fazed by it & maybe he wanted to cry, but he probably didn't know if anyone would comfort him. I would if he cried "Justin come here" I called out as I reached for the plates "yes m-mommy?"

He questioned as he approached me with caution, "no no Justin your not in trouble," I whispered as I sat the glass down. I feel so bad for him, "can you set the table for me" I asked as I pointed to the plates.

He smiled then ran over to the plates, "no running okay you could trip," I scolded as I continued making the salad. When the salsas was done I placed it in the fridge & worked on other things:

2 hours later....

It was a while later after dinner, Justin was passed out by my side & of course lassie laid by his feet, that dog is over protective. I thought as I lightly stroked the fluffy dog, she lifted her head with her tongue sorta hanging out.

I just smiled & continued watching The Real Housewives Of Atlanta, I know the shows inappropriate for kids. But I didn't turn it to this channel till Justin fell asleep, I plan on taking him to the mall tomorrow.

You know get him clothes, toys & shoes all the things my baby boy needs, I might even take him to my parents tomorrow. Who knows just depends on how things go, no tantrums means he gets to go more places.

He hasn't really had a tantrum yet it's just been spats & mumbles, he plays with his fingers quite a bit. If he could reach his ears he would probably bite on his ears, who knows he's odd but he's my special baby.

Next Morning....

I was dressed so was Justin, he was wearing a tee & a pair of shorts that I got from Josh's room, shhh don't tell him. Both the kids where at school & they get off early today, I wanna be back before they get home.

I have a major surprise for them, I'm not telling you until I tell them, "Justin you ready baby" I asked as I reached my out my hand. "Y-yeah mommy" he chirped as he gripped my hand "we get to go shopping."

He quickly pulled away, "what's wrong" I asked as I looked up at him, "your j-just gonna abandon m-me." He cried out before ballon up on the floor, which got Lassie's attention, oh boy I thought as I I sat on the floor beside Justin.

"Honey where going to get you clothes, toys & shoes" I reassured as I patted his back which caused the god damn dog to bark. "Y-you won't a-abandon Justin," he asked as he wiped away the tears.

"Never" I whispered before kissing his head softly, "maybe we'll get some ice cream at the food palace." I hunted as we made our way out to the car, "my o-own shoes" he mumbled to himself over & over as we drove to the mall.

~At Mall~

When we got into the mall the first place we went was the Calvin Klein store, I walked around picked out a few sports bras & panties. Justin looked at joggers, that where unbelievably soft "you want these?"

I questioned as I looked for a size that would fit him, and when I did I hung it over my arm then we continued. "We should get you some dress shirts," I mentioned as I approach the button ups.

When I grabbed a few I sent Justin to the dressing room, but it made things go wrong, no room & everything was too tight. "Okay shh it's okay just take it off," I whispered as I unbuttoned the top.

Wen the top was off I hung t back up, "I think we done in CK," I whispered as I took him the checkout counter. 937$ later we went into the food court, he wanted Fro-Yo so I got him some Fro-Yo.

4 hours later....

Everyone was finally at home, I had big news & I wanted them all here of course to hear it "mom can this conversation wait? Emma wants to bang & I'm trying to tell her to fuck off," my mouth fell open.

"J-Josh said bad word" Justin whispered as he cuddled with Lassie "oh shut up half brain" he yelled before running up the stairs. "Okay go ahead Josh I'll just tell Kelly then she can tell you."

Once Josh left the room I smiled "alright the big news is where getting another dog," I whispered to only hear Lassie whine. "Shut up Lassie your the alpha female so you'll control the doggy world."

She instantly became quiet & went back to Justin's side, "what k-kind of puppy" Justin excitedly asked? "I don't know whatever you guys want, I guess" I answered before kissing both their heads.

Off to bed everyone...

Well that was chapter four...please let me know what you think about it by hitting the 🌟 and leave a comment by hitting the 💬

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