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Marcy's POV
"Yes you look absolutely beautiful Kelly now please get ready for school, or I'll drive you myself." I threatened as I closed my youngest's door, I just smiled & made my way downstairs to fish a couple bucks out for lunch.

Once I had 15$ for each I laid it on the counter & waited for them to run down the stairs, while I waited I munched on a cookie. They should be coming down in 5...4...3...2...1 "bye mom" they both yelled as they grabbed their money.

I smiled & watched them walk out the door, I love kids & I'm so blessed to have them, fuck what the doctors say. I thought as I waved goodbye, once they left I sighed & decided to go work out.

Walking upstairs I quickly changed into running shorts & a tee that had super stretched holes so you could see my sports bra. Grabbing my phone & its portable charger I quickly ran down the stairs to grab a water bottle.

Filling it with water, fresh strawberries & raspberries I quickly shook it & smiled now I can leave. I thought as I grabbed my purse & headed out the door, Lassie the German Shepard barked as I left.

"Oh hush love" I whispered before locking the front door, unlocking my 2016 Charger I smiled & hopped in. Once the engine was ready & the air was blowin I left & headed to the local YMCA.

- - -

Once at the Y I killed the ignition & walked in, I decided to just run in the treadmill & lift weights today. I felt like my grandma she constantly runs on the treadmill & lifts weights, and she's about 80 years old.

Stepping up on the treadmill I sat my fruit water down & the same with my phone then I started jogging. Looking around I saw many people under the age of 21 here working out, good for them I thought.

I'm so getting a Big Mac after this I thought as I looked at the calories I've lost, 593 calories lost yippie! I know that's not a lot but to me that's a lot, and shit I work hard to loose this weight, I've had two kids.

Both breached speaking of children I really want another child, but the biological father left after Kelly was born. Why I don't know I just know that we ended things on good terms I guess, I just miss the company.

After I jogged for a while I was tired of working so I decided to head out to the pool, then I would lift weights. I thought as I headed to the locker room, I quickly changed into a cute high waisted bikini.

Appropriate for a family oriented place I should say, once I was out at the pool I found a spot for my belongings. Walking down the steps I realised the pool was like freezing & I mean fucking freezing.

"Yeah the pools cold I heard it was about 50 degrees in this pool, but after an hour in you'll get use to it." A lady announced as she swam past, I just nodded & enjoyed the water for at least an hour.

4 & a half hours later....

I definitely stayed longer than I wanted to I thought as I walked to my car, while I was walking I got a FaceTime from Kelly. She shouldn't be on her phone I thought as I looked down at my Apple Watch.

It's 3:00 she should be studying still, I thought as I sent her a quick text, putting my phone in the back I drove home. My phone went off a couple times while I drove but I ignored it, the texts can wait until I get home.

When I pulled up in the driveway again I killed the ignition & grabbed my purse & phone, looking down I got several texts from Kelly. One of them was emoji based, and I had no idea what this 👦🏼🍑🍆👅 meant.

So I did what I thought was best & sent her back a emoji 👌🏼 turning my phone off I headed inside to freshen up. People these days with emoji's I'm not that old but seriously these emoji's should have a manual on how to use them.

(They really should have some type of directory 😁😎)

Anyway's my children should be home soon, and I have about 30 minutes left of me time, grabbing the Vogue magazine & a plate of cookies I smiled. Time to enjoy both of these on the couch I thought as I looked over at the white leather couch, that was calling my name.

Plopping down on the couch I sat the cookies beside me & began reading the Vogue, Lassie sat on the floor & waited patiently. But she knew I wasn't gonna give her a cookie, she just wanted to try me.

"Hey mom" Kelly yelled to only make the dog bark, "hey beautiful" I replied back as I continued flipping through the magazine. "I'm going over to Ryder's later okay," she announced while grabbing a cookie.

"Just be careful" I whispered as I heard another car pull up, must be Josh I thought "don't worry I'm the good child." She reminded as she grabbed her keys & left the house once again, god she's growing up to fast.

I so need to have sex again I want another baby in my life, I thought as Josh came busting through the front door. "Hey hot shot" I playfully spoke as I stood up "hey mom" he mumbled before walking up the stair case.

"So mom gets no hug" I whined as I felt a little heart broken, "I'll be down in a minute God" he yelled before slamming the door. Jeez I just wanted a hug, I thought as I made my way into the kitchen again.

"Sorry it's just Emma's being a real bitch," he rambled "language Joshua" I frowned "I'm sorry dear." I apologised "it's alright I'm 16 it's not like I'm 100, I still got time to find the one" he mumbled as he bit into a cookie.

What's with everyone taking my cookies, "well I have a important FaceTime to make with your father so I'll be back." I spoke as I headed upstairs to my bedroom, when I got there I closed the door & logged onto FaceTime.

D- you wanted to talk?

M- yeah listen do you think you can take the kids for a couple of days?

D- why?

M- it's Kelly's birthday next Friday & it's supposed to be a big deal she's turning 16 & I want to throw her a big birthday.

D- yeah drop them off whenever

M- thank you

D-no problem, it's gonna be one lit birthday party

M- I hope, how have you been?

D-ehh it's been okay the club owner has me working the bar like crazy, what about you?

M-it's been easy I've been child lonely I want another one, I might adopt or something you know take one off the streets?

D-I hear you, listen boss is coming I gotta go I'll see you soon!

M- bye bye 💕

D- 💖

Well that was a weird ending for chapter one, in my opinion....well hit the 🌟 or 💬 let me know what you think my Readeretts!!!!


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