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Justin's POV
It's so hot out here I thought as I roamed the dark streets, I wish I was under soft covers listening to a lullaby. I don't wanna be out here it's too scary for Justin, I thought as I looked through a window.

Families cuddle with their loved ones & I'm out here all alone, starving & scared when can Justy have a home? I want a mommy who wants to be with me, not one that hits & burns me everyday, I want to be kissed & told I'm loved.

But mommy says I'm a disgrace & unwanted, no wonder she threw me out, all I did was ask for a hug. What can Justy do for a warm hug & maybe some chicken, I asked myself as returned to my dark & cold hideout.

Marcy's POV
"So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover," I sung as I drove home "from your roommate back in Boulder." I whispered as I tapped the steering wheel, in sync with the song.

Slowing down the car as I came upon a red light, the song had finally ended & it was now playing the Spanish themed song Despacito. I love this song i thought as I looked out the window, seeing a boy just huddling in a corner.

I felt bad for homeless kids, I really did I wasn't ever the one to abandon them, I would bring them food & water. But this kid was new that I knew of, he didn't look familiar, so I did what a mother did best.

Pulling the car over to the curb, I killed the ignition, I took a deep breath & got out and made my way over to the kid. As I got closer he dug himself deeper into the hole, like a cat hiding under a house.

"Darling why are you out here," I asked as squatted down beside him, "d-don't have home." He mumbled as he looked away, I was getting ready to say something when he did "m-mommy threw me o-out."

He whispered as he looked up at me, his face was covered in dirt & he was obviously very dirty. I felt bad & I know he could be lying & he could be a possible serial killer, but i wanted to help him.

"Can you come out of the hole," I asked as I stood up & backed away a bit, it took him a few seconds to breech. He was tall like over 6'0, "I never ask this but are you carrying anything bad, drugs or a gun?"

I questioned as I got closer "n-no w-what's a drug," he asked as he played with his fingers that were bruised & cut up. "Never mind that follow me," I whispered as I walked away hoping he'd follow in return.

"N-no your gonna get me d-deported" he whimpered, "no one is getting deported sweetheart. I'm taking you back to my place so you can have a proper place to sleep, get you soon food & yet proper care."

Why was he afraid of being deported, I asked myself as we finally made way to my car, "why are you afraid of being deported?" I questioned as I began driving us both home, "trump only w-and wants Americans here."

He whispered as he looked out the window as the rain began to pour, "aren't you American darling?" I asked as I grabbed my umbrella "c-Canadian," he stuttered "don't worry dear your not getting deported."

I reassured as I killed the ignition & lead him inside, once inside Lassie immediately started barking at the boy. "Lassie no it's okay" I whispered to the dog as I began walking deeper into the flat.

"B-big home" he whispered as he spun around like a child, "yeah it is, hey I never got to learn your name. What's your name dear" I asked as I lead him to one of the many bathrooms, "j-Justin."

He answered proudly as I ran the shower, "I'll leave you too shower, here is a pair of shorts & a tee so you can change into when your dry." I mentioned while looking down at the dark clothing.

He nodded & looked away "what's wrong Justin" I asked as he fiddled with his fingers, something I been seeing him do. "D-don't know how" he whispered before backing away from me, "did mommy ever teach you?"

He quickly shook his head violently "hey don't hurt yourself, undress & I'll help you" I whispered as I closed the bathroom door. Turning around he was completely undressed & I couldn't help but tear up.

Swollen stomach & barely anything there, you could see his rib cage, I mean it's bad you could tell he hasn't eaten in a long while. "Justin when's the last time you ate anything," I asked as I got him to stand in the shower.

"I-I don't k-know" he whispered as his body became soaked, "well that's about to change baby." I whispered as I began washing his delicate body, "w-why so nice to Justy" he asked as I washed some soap off his body.

"Why not I love being nice, I love helping people" I answered as I grabbed the shampoo, once his hair was unknotted & clean I rinsed it. "C-charity case I am," he whispered as he slapped himself "no your not & don't ever hit yourself."

I spoke as grabbed the conditioner, "Justin do you have any like health problems that I should know about?" I asked & I know it's rude to ask but he's always fiddling with his fingers & he just hit himself for no reason.

"A-autism & it's b-bad they say" he mumbled before looking away, "no it's not bad your just gonna be different." I whispered softly as I helped him out of the shower, Lassie whined at the door as I stayed closed.

"Mom I'm home" Kelly called out from downstairs, I heard her but I didn't wanna yell back. "Let's get you dressed like I whispered as I helped him into some boxers & a tee that covered his bottom.

Once he was dressed I pulled his hair back into a little pony tail, since it was so long, Kelly is into beauty so I'll see if she'll cut if. I thought as I got him to walk down the stairs, "who's he" Kelly asked as she looked at Justin.

"This is Justin & yes he's off the streets" I replied as I go Justin to sit on the couch, "his hair is way to long." Kelly commented "yeah I know I was actually gonna ask you if you can cut it," she smiled "of course I will." 

She smiled & ran upstairs, while she did that I began to cook dinner, well just food in general, he needs the nutrients. I thought as I turned to see him sitting on the floor beside me, he smiled softly before looking down.

"You don't wanna sit on the floor baby it hurts the bums after a while," he didn't reply he just continued playing with his fingers. "Here play with this" I suggested as I handed him a pair of oven mitts.

He instantly smiled & slipped them over his hands pretending they were dinosaurs, moments later Kelly came back down. "Be gentle he's sensitive, I know what do I know, just be careful."

I warned as I cooked "don't worry mom" she whispered as she got Justin to follow her outside. Such a cutie I thought as the night went on, I'm so glad I brought him here I thought as I slowly packed the food in a large container.

40 minutes later....

Justin came back inside his hair shorter than it was, "here love" I whispered as I handed him the container. That was filled with hash, chicken, beef strips & a fresh veggie salad & many more things.

While he ate I went to bed because I was exhausted, Kelly said she would stay down their with Justin until he fell asleep. She's 15 I can trust her to care for him for a little while, I thought as I fell asleep.

Well that was chapter two.....how was it please let me know hit the 🌟 or the 💬 and let me know what you think!!!

Who thinks Justin is the cutest?

Should I continue?

Who loves Nicki Minaj as a a mother?

Autistic Trust ~JB~ Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat