☑ #3: Learn To Play the Piano

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"Oliver! Oliver!"

At the moment Blue was balancing on a thin, wobbling branch and knocking on her neighbor's window. After much hard work (and maybe a teeny bit of stalkery creeping) she had located the window that belonged to him and had decided that it was time to accomplish the third task on her list.

☑ #1: Hug the first person I see on the streets

☑ #2: Sleep under the stars (no tent or anything; just on the grass)

☐ #3: Learn to play the piano

Blue had always wanted to learn an instrument-or at least figure out a way to play two notes without getting yelled at because the sound emitted was so horrifying-and maybe Oliver would help her break into a piano store or something. It was nearing one at night, so the store had to be empty.

Just as Blue pulled her fist back to try to punch through the glass it slid open and an irritated Oliver head popped out, bed hair and all. She started having second thoughts.

"Hey..." her voice was weak and he rolled his eyes.

"What the fuck are you waking me up at one in the morning for?" he sighed, sounding more exasperated than angry. Oliver rubbed a hand down his face tiredly and Blue found herself marveling at how pretty he looked even now. Only when his [gray] eyes snapped back open to latch onto hers did she blink and clear her throat.

"I want to learn the piano."

"Good for you. Go away."

"Can you teach me?"

"Will you go away?"

"Can you?" she prodded, knowing she was treading on dangerous, impatient Oliver territory.

"Who the fuck said I played piano?" he hissed.

"You curse a lot when you're tired," Blue pointed out and he fixed her with an incredulous gaze. "Fine. I promise I'll leave you alone if you teach me."

"I don't fucking play the fucking piano, Blue," he sighed, resting his chin on his palms, his elbow on the windowsill. Okay. Um.

"Any instrument will do," she revised and he threw his hands up in the air with vexation.

"If I teach you to play the C and A chord on the guitar, right now, will you leave me the fuck alone?"

"Yes, I will leave you the fuck alone." Oh, Blue knew she was being annoying. But she was way past caring. So Oliver moved out of the way and she climbed in, landing on her feet.

"Do you do that a lot?" Oliver rose an eyebrow and she shrugged, distracted as her eyes roamed around the room, taking everything in. It was normal enough for a teenage boy's. White walls, book shelf filled with books, clothes lying over the chair. He settled on the floor, pulling a wooden guitar out and resting it in sweats-clad lap. After rubbing his face again, he draped his arm over the body and grasped the neck with his other. He looked so worn-out that Blue was starting to feel bad. Oliver glanced back up to meet her gaze with his dead-beat one and blinked. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah. Sorry." Blue sat down across from him, hands folded in her lap.

"Okay," Oliver started. And then he went, explaining where each finger went for each chord, how to hold the instrument. And Blue tried to concentrate-really, she did. But the entire time she found herself unable to look away from his face. Because now that the guitar was in his hands he didn't look exhausted anymore. He looked relaxed and happy and Blue decided that she liked that look on his face. When he looked back up and handed the instrument to her she blinked. Hesitantly, she took it and held it like he had shown. But she couldn't get it right, as many times as Oliver corrected her and she was about ready to give up when he moved to sit perpendicular to her; he placed each of her fingers in the correct places. When he shifted one of the most intoxicating scents filled Blue's senses and she leaned back, barely touching him.

"You smell good," Blue muttered and his hard frame behind her froze. A moment later he cleared his throat.

"Uh. Thanks, I guess."

"You're welcome," she responded.

"You're weird," he stated with a tiny laugh.

"I know," Blue stated.

"You know?" She could feel it when he raised his eyebrows.

"Come on, Oliver. My name's Blue, I have two moms, and I'm dying. I think I know that I'm weird," she smiled slightly, turning to face him and caught him just as his brows lowered only to furrow.

"You're dying?" He repeated and Blue swallowed. Shit. He wasn't supposed to find out. She scrambled to cover, and she did so smoothly.

"Isn't everyone?"

And then she mentally patted herself on the back.


Welp, there it is.

Dedicated to uncute because Just Married is hilarious and very brilliant.


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