The girl

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As I read the girls mind I could see everything she thought. I saw that she had no name. So I called her She. She knew I was reading her mind because she sent me messages. 'Why have you come here, you know I'm dangerous.' She thought. I knew that she could read my mind, she told me that too. I replied 'you and I are one and the same.'

The girl did not like this. She slapped me in the face. I didn't like that either so I clawed and chewed hers. She wasn't phased by this at all. She kicked me to the dusty ground and repeatedly clawed me. I liked the pain, so I laughed and laughed. She kept clawing me. Until I no longer laughed.

She sang:
tick tock

goes the clock

Rose won't see it coming

tick tock

goes the clock

soon she will be haunting

She had killed me. But I was always going to stay at the asylum. Forever. Haunting it until no one is tortured like I was. I'm thankful that She killed me.
I knew that I served a purpose as a ghost. but that's ok. At least I'll be best friends with Alice forever.

Little Rose Dousy Where stories live. Discover now