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I enjoy the silence. It means I can be alone with my thoughts. And when I want sound I talk to myself or sing.
My song always goes like this:

Tick tock
Goes the clock
The world won't see it coming
Tick tock
Goes the clock
Soon everyone is dying

I like it, but no one else does. People who hear it I'm told go home and kill them selves. whenever this happens I get punished. I get to be punctured with needles, it doesn't seem like punishment to me. I laugh at it. Loudly so everyone can see how excited I am to get my shots, but no one listens.

They say that the shots can cure me. But that is impossible there's nothing wrong with me, you can't cure my aspects. But they don't like it when their treatments don't work, so I just stay silent, like a grave. Although that analogy doesn't always work, because the people under the graves talk to me.

Little Rose Dousy Where stories live. Discover now