The Escape part 2

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When I came out of my room, I saw why I couldn't hear or see anyone while I was behind door. It was empty. The whole building was run down and rusty, like my room. There were many other rooms like mine that were left long ago. All the doors were opened except one.

It was closed like mine. Sealed shut, it must have been her enemy. Yes it is a her, I can read her mind. Since I so hated door, I knew she must not have liked this door, so I killed it.

The girl inside was sitting with her back to the doorway. She didn't respond to what I was saying, so  I did what anyone would do, I sang to her.

Tick tock
Goes the clock
The world won't see it coming

I started. She turned around slowly. I tilted my head with no expression. I continued to sing. Suddenly I heard her voice joining in.

Tick tock
Goes the clock
Soon everyone is dying

We both finished. She didn't talk to me. She just stared me. I thought we were playing a game so I stared back at her.
When I read her mind she was a lot like me. Except for one thing.

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