Dad and I watched the whole thing live. We wanted to go since it took place in Miami but we had to pack because it was just two days away from the moving day so we watched it on the TV and It was as impressive. I have to admit that I was rooting for Giancarlo but the Judge won me over.

I think that it wasn't the homers but the way he was smiling during the whole thing and just being a sweetheart to kids. He looked like a solid guy. Dad mentioned that Mike wanted him to work with Judge because he reminded him a lot of dad.

I spent most of the day trying to unpack which turned out to be a little bit of pain because the apartment was furnished but There weren't any hangers so I had to leave most of my clothes on the suitcases until I could go get some of the stuff that we need in the house.

It was about five when I started to think of dinner ideas but then looked into the fridge and realized that we hadn't done any grocery shopping and that there was nothing to cook. I was wearing my Giancarlo Stanton jersey which was long enough to wear without pants at home but not enough to walk on the street. I put on yoga pants and looked up the nearest grocery store on my phone. I knew that my dad wasn't going to last long and since I told him that I would make dinner he wouldn't eat out so I opted to make the quickest thing I knew how to make, pasta.

"It smells delicious in here, honey" It was about seven when I heard my dad's voice coming from the doorway.

"Yeah, I'm making pas...ta" My heart stopped as soon as I turned around. The tallest man I had ever seen was standing in front of me. Aaron Judge was standing in my kitchen. He made my 6 foot-two tall dad look small next to him. Our eyes met for a moment and it felt like time stood still. I felt a cold breeze on my legs that brought me back to reality. It all hit me at once... Aaron Judge was standing in my kitchen. I was wearing a jersey without pants. My hair was probably a mess and the pasta needed to be stirred.

"This is my daughter, Isabelle." My dad introduced me as I struggled to think of what to do next.

"Hi!," I said awkwardly before turning back to the stove.

"Nice to meet you" I heard Aaron's deep voice from across the room. I couldn't help but turn around and give him a smile in response.

"Likewise," I said as our eyes locked again for a second. I could feel the heat on my cheeks burning bright. I was in for a very interesting night.

I managed to set the food on the tablet without falling on my face. That's a win in my book. We said grace initiated by Aaron. I was in awe of him. Overall he was a fine specimen. His amazing physical appearance matched with his humble attitude and politeness had me wondering what could possibly be wrong with him because he was looking too perfect.

"This food is amazing, honey," My dad said as he served his second plate.

"It really is, I haven't had a home-cooked meal in a while," Aaron added.

"Well, that's usually a thing you do, during the All-Star Break" My dad joked.

"When you are not too busy hitting bombs in the home run derby!" I chime in. Aaron just smiled at my comment.

"I tell you something Aaron, that was one of the best home run derbies that I have ever seen and I have seen a couple of them." Dad was serious now. He always was when baseball came up. He is truly a student of the game.

"All the guys did a good job," Aaron said with a humble smile.

"But you won," I declared.

"Yeah, I guess you were rooting for somebody else," He said with a little smile. I was a little confused until I realized that I was wearing my Giancarlo jersey. I laughed. He wasn't wrong. my favorite player was competing in the derby, he was the home guy defending his turf in Miami but Aaron was just too strong. The whole derby looked like child's play for him.

"I grew up in Miami so I've been a Marlins fan since I was a little girl" I felt the need to explain.

"You won her over though," My dad's comment made me want to bury my face on my plate. In moments like this being so close with my dad wasn't the best thing.

Aaron smiled at my dad's comment. I focused on my food, trying to avoid his eyes, but as the night went on it became almost impossible. I couldn't stop looking at him. Every time my dad complimented him about something he would just respond with a polite smile or just give credit to somebody else. I had seen him on TV and often wondered if he was as humble as he was selling apparently, he is.

It was around 10 pm when Aaron got up ready to go home. Funny enough I felt a little disappointed. I wanted to stare at him all night long.

"Thanks for dinner," he said as he stood up.

"Anytime," I smiled.

"Aaron Lives close by, maybe we can make this a weekly thing" Dad suggested.

"I would love that, if Isabelle is okay with it," His voice was firm but there was a hopeful look on his face.

"I think that would be great, " I agreed.

"Awesome, I'll be seeing you around, Isabelle" I love the way he says my name. I want to record it and play it on repeat till I die.

"Good luck in Boston," I managed to say.

"Are you making the trip?" there it was again, that hopeful look. I liked it.

"No, I don't think so. I need to figure out a lot of things." I hadn't made any plans to travel with them just yet. I wanted to get used to New York first.

"Bells will come to some of the road games before school starts," Dad said with a proud smile.

"You are in college? That's amazing, what's your major?" he sounded genuinely interested.

"Sports psychology, I'll go back to Miami for an introduction course but I start school in spring" There I was again oversharing, this man makes my tongue get loose.

"That's so interesting, I would love to hear more about it... " Aaron's phone rang interrupting our conversation.

"Sorry, I have to take this," he excused himself. The phone call was quick and he just said that he would be there soon. I guessed that it was his ride.

"Mr. Jensen, Isabelle. It has been an amazing night, thanks for everything" The smile on his face made everything inside of me tremble.

"Please, call me Tom. It has been our pleasure to have you as our guest" Dad shook his hand.

"Yes, come back whenever you want," I added quicker than I would like to admit.

"I'll hold you up to that one," Aaron said as our eyes met yet again. I smiled in response, he was charming in a weird, shy yet confident way. I liked it a lot. I was in so much trouble.

As I brushed my teeth my mind kept going back to Aaron and the way our eyes kept meeting over dinner. His smile made me feel that rare sensation, like somehow we had met before. It worried me,I felt comfortable in his presence yet there was a line of electricity running down my spine every time our eyes met.

I lay in bed unable to sleep. I did a quick internet search of Aaron. As soon as I clicked go I was bombarded with thousands of pictures. I was making comparisons from the pictures to the guy that I had dinner with a few hours ago, I noticed that his eyes are a lot lighter in person especially when he smiles. I found myself smiling and thinking about his hands, how big they were, and yet so gentle when they touched mine as we shook hands to say goodbye. I had to stop thinking about him; this wasn't right. But I was secretly hoping to see him again soon.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 12 ⏰

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