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I don't know why this word gets to me.

It just does.

It makes me feel like I have to ability to do something, but I'm also not good enough.

Even though that's not the definition,

potential is the capability of doing something in the future.

Then there's capability,

the talent of doing so.

Maybe the word potential doesn't match up to my character.

I'm not very talented,

or simply good enough for anything.

It's quite a confusing word, potential.

Just as I'm told that I have a great potential in doing well at so many things,

I'm even told I'm talented.

I feel as if words are overused today.

For I do not have potential, talent, or even the capability.

I'm just an ordinary person who only dreams of becoming something more.

More than what this ordinary life has to offer me.

I feel as if it's a normal human thing to dream, to hope.

To imagine life as if it's really not the way it is.

My dear, if you believe I have potential of being someone someday.

I fear you're wrong.

Too many people want to be something,

there is no spot for me.

Maybe if I was a bit more talented, or had a bit more potential.

Then maybe you could believe in me, but I must admit it's not like that.

I won't be someone someday, so please just let me dream it.


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