Chapter four

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"Wake up." The one with a blue cover up suit said waking Declan up. He look around panicking noticing he's tied against Jane that sat behind him as both their mouths was covered.

"She must've ran away." John said walking from Julia's room.

"Do you know where she is honey?" Bob asked sitting on his haunches infront of Jane running his hands up under her dress. She cry shaking her head from side to side as he decide to stand up.

Declan look up at the two men that weared balaclavas walking to face him.

"Do you know where she is?" John asked Declan. Declan shook his head from side to side as he moves his hands into Jane's. Jane look at their hands and decide to tighten her grib on his hands.

"Sylvia!" Bob called. A women with blond wild hair and roughly doned make up came in looking at them. "Where the hell is your balaclava?"

"Do I need one?" She asked having a hand gun in her right hand wearing a short skirt and a shirt that's tight on her showing her stomach.

"Yes." John replied having that expression that she's a retart. "Whatever. Go look for the girl."

"Okay." She said and head off to the rest of the rooms. Jane close her eyes starting to cry as she throw her head back resting it against Declan's.

"Where the hell is Kid?" Bob asked with his patients running out. He look down at Jane that was so scared and about to cry her eyes out. He smile and take off his balaclava going on his haunches infront of her. "Are you afraid?"

"John, may I?" Bob asked showing to remove the material from her mouth.

"Yes." John replied exasperated. Bob give a smile showing the gold in his teeth. He take off the material from Jane's mouth.

"So, are you afraid?" He asked again.

"Yes. Of course I'm afraid." She cried closing her eyes tight shut.

"Don't worry. Daddy is gonna make you feel super good." He said running his hands upon her smooth legs.

"Please don't." She cried as Declan try to break loose but fail.

"You're special. So let's say I'm gonna have you last on my plate. Okay." He said and stood up straight again looking down at her that looked up at him. "Don't try anything foolish okay. Else you'll have two knives for the night."

She look away from him again and decide to keep her mouth shut.

"Here you are." They look at Kid that came running in.

"Sorry I'm late." He apologised as John gave him a slap over the head.

"Don't apologise you fool. Go look for the girl." John said. Kid nod then ran in. He enter her room as he froze when he saw a bunch of her photos stuck to her mirror. He walk to it and take a good look at it seeing what a happy girl they're about to distroy. He look at the doorway seeing no one as he sat down on her bed.

"You here?" He asked in almost a whisper. He heard her breathing in the wardrobe. He walk to it wanting to open it but notice it's lock.

"Have you find her yet?" He look at the doorway and see Sylvia.

"No." He replied and fully turn to her. "If she's hiding it must be outside."

"Me also think so." She said and walk up to him. "Me on a bed is as good as silver on a plate. That's why they call me Sylvia. I'll be outside. Call me if you need me."

"Okay." Is all Kid let out as Sylvia smile and walk out like a crazy women. Kid look at the wardrobe placing his ear to it. "I know you're in there. I won't hurt you. I want to help."

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