Chapter one

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The car travels normal speed down the road outside town. Declan look at his side at Julia that had earphones in her ears listening music.

"Julia, I know we never came along so good after I met Lindsey but I want you to know that since she's out of our lives maybe we can go to Disneyland for your birthday..." Declan tried to build a conversation as she look at him like she wasn't interested in his company.

"Oh so now all of a sudden you want to be a dad." Julia said in exasperation with a lump in her throat. "That means so much, thank you."

Declan immediately noticed her sarcasm so he looked at his daughter then back at the road ahead.

"Lindsey, I want to make it up to..." Declan started but once again got cut off.

"Just in case you forgot, my name is NOT Lindsey." Julia said on her guard. "And just for a quick reminder, I'm seventeen, not eight. I'd rather spend my eighteenth birthday with mom at home like always than to be with you that barely knows a thing about me."

"Listen, it's not like I missed out on all your birthdays." Declan started having his patients running out.

"Five birthdays dad! Five!" Julia responded almost on her angriest. "For twelve years me and mom spended my birthdays alone! I had friends. True friends. Mom always was there. She even had quit the most valuable job she had just to be with me! Never had she let me down! You were dead to me! All you see is the mother of your daughter and your ex-wife but what you don't see is the broken women she's behind closed doors!"

They finally entered Jane's driveway as Declan hit the brick and look at Julia in madness.

"This is not about your mother...!" He started.

"You're right. You're too good to talk about her." Julia cut him off about to climb out but he grab her arm drawing her attention.

"I'm your father and when you talk to me, you talk with respect." He said straightforward in her face.

"You're right. You're my father, not my dad." She said opening the door. "I just wish there was a reason to have respect for my FATHER."

Before Declan could say something to her, she climbed out. Jane came walking out of the house with a smile.

"Hey sweet..." Jane started but Julia ignored her and walk straight into the house. Jane stood there confused as Declan climbed out and walk up to her. She look at him knowing he caused it. "Wh..."

"I'm done trying." He interrupted. Jane shook her head from side to side like she couldn't believe a word he says.

"You? Trying? If there's one thing you should give up trying is to reduce women and make your daughter feel like she comes last. I've raised her on my own when you weren't there but what I didn't give up, is her. See if you can do the same." Jane said angrily about to walk away but Declan grabbed her arm making her turn around about to explode. "Don't touch me!"

He instantly let go of her arm looking into her crying eyes.

"Get out of here okay. You never wanted her so kiss the road goodbye and go read a bedtime story for yourself because that's all you think about!" She shout angrily and walk into the house crying shutting the door behind her.

Declan stood there off guard for a moment before walking back to his car. He take out a photo looking at it after climbing in. It's a photo about a little girl and boy that's around the same age. He sat back in his chair putting the photo on the passenger's seat. He sat forward and start driving away.

In the meanwhile behind the closed door of Jane's front door, Jane sat on the floor against the wooden door with her head rest against it. Her eyes just scanning the room.

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