Later on that night Declan walked into the bar straight up to his friend that came up to him doing some sort of handshake.

"It's so good to see you." Mike said touching his shoulder amicable. "How's things with the family?"

They took a seat and show the waiter to bring them drinks.

"Oh I don't know. Things with them is just...subtle. Julia is hard piece of work and Jane, well one wrong word and she becomes deleterious." Declan replied as Mike laugh shaking his head.

"That's what happens when you keep making excuses just because of some other women." Mike laughed like he was sure about his facts. "I've done the father thing and trust me, it can get anachronistic but after all when you actually look at's the best thing that can happen to you. Now that the boys are out of the house, I miss them more actually."

"You've got it all so worked out. Julia blames me for being absent at her birthdays and not being the person she needed." Declan said sitting back. "My daughter hates me."

"Wake up Declan. You're the only reason she grew cold towards you. From what I can say is fix it before it's too late." Mike said being serious as the waiter bring each of them a glass of bier.

"You guys have nothing better to talk about, do you?" The waiter asked folding her arms as the two men look at her. "Julia and Jane is women. Human to get to a better point."

"You know Julia and Jane?" Declan asked giving her an add look.

"Everybody does. They're the highway sweethearts." The waiter smiled admired about this topic of the two sweetest girls. "I've seen her paintings which is what's bringing her in the money she uses to look after her and her daughter and it looks amazingly beautiful. I like 'the dying eagle'. It's not really a dying eagle. It's just the way she describes an injured eagle. Except for what it looks like, she wrote a story about that painting."

"What's the story about?" Declan asked concerned.

"You seriously have some catch up to do." The waiter said raising her eyebrows. "Anyway, she keeps the original painting on the wall in her livingroom. Check it out. Maybe she'll tell you."

"I'll do so." Declan said looking back at Mike as the waiter walk away. Mike laugh shaking his head.

"What wouldn't I do to get married that women?" Mike joked sitting back with his glass as Declan gave him an add look. "Check out her paintings or kick her ex-husband's ass."

"That women is crazy." Declan said taking a sip on his glass. "Now if there's one thing I wouldn't do is remarry her."

"Honestly Declan, if I was you, I'd rather marry her than myself." He said half serious as he sat up again.

"Why?" Declan asked raising an eyebrow.

"You're rancorous. She's not." Mike replied reasonably nonchalant.

"Wait until she gets laid." Declan laughed taking a sip on his glass.

"Declan." Mike sat forward a little angry. "Just because you're a whore hunter, doesn't make her one."

Declan stop laughing feeling a little guilty and deeply touched by this.

"So I'd suggest you worry about yourself before making remarks on other innocent people like your own family. I'd get married with Jane at anytime. But unlike you I'm already married to the most wonderful women there is for me." Mike spoke his heart out as Declan look down then back up at Mike. "Declan, all I'm saying is that, time is precious. Spend it good because you don't know when this ends. If you die tonight, who's gonna be at your funeral? Your daughter? Your WIFE? I don't think anyone will actually be there."

Declan just look down at the table rethinking what he said. Somehow he knew that Mike was right.

Jane stood in the guestroom there in her pyjamas busy painting. The door behind her swung open. She turn around and look directly at Julia that came walking in.

"Aren't you going to bed?" Julia asked walking up to her mum.

"I am. I'm know. Not tired." Jane replied with a smile.

"Okay." Julia place her hand on her mother's shoulder looking at the painting. "It looks nice."

"Thanks." Jane smiled and look at her daughter. "What happened today?"

"Ughhh. Dad. He's such an exasperation." Julia said with a sighed.

"Well, I don't want to make choices for you but I think you should give him another chance." Jane said placing her arm around Julia's shoulder. "Just don't let hom talk nonsense in your head."

"Mom, why are you like this?" Julia asked nicely and prudently.

"Like what honey?" Jane asked dearly.

"You're so...amicable and different." Julia said scanning her mom's beautiful face. "I mean, my friends have mums. But they're not like you. They hide behind make up and jewels. You're the funny, beautiful and prospering mum. Why?"

"You want to know why? Well, for starters, I believe in differences and trust me, there's something beyond beautiful about being different. Whether it makes you weird or foolish, that's your strength." Jane smiled putting her paint brushes in cups with water in it.

"Yeah but after everything you've been through. Like when you and dad got divorced after Jade died. You have yourself so pulled together." Julia tried to make sence trying not to be deleterious towards how her mum feels.

"If I wasn't pulled together, who would've kept you together?" Jane raised an eyebrow with a little smile dancing on her lips.

"Mom." Julia looked a little unhappy drawing Jane's full attention. "If Jade didn't die. Would you and dad still have been married?"

"I don't know." Jane replied also starting to look unhappy but most like wondering about the real answer.

"I wish you did. That way you and dad would've...never mind it's silly." Julia said about to walk out but Jane grab her hand letting her look back at her mom.

"I know you miss your brother. I miss him too. I really do." Jane said with tears in her eyes taking a deep breath. "But letting go is part of life."

"We're all dying in anyway, right? So what's the use...?" Julia said with a big lump in her throat.

"We're not dying. We're blooming. We all begin as a little green thing starting to crack open the ground to explore nature. We grow and grow. We become big and turn into beautiful flowers. Then we get seeds. We watch the seed turn into what we once was. Sometimes we have to watch them die knowing that someday...we'll die too." Jane said touching Julia's cheek. "Your father was the only man for me. But when Jade died, he changed. That's what's making him different."

Julia let go of her breath and give her mom a big hug. Jane touch her hair hugging her back.

"He wasn't like this mom." She cried on Jane's shoulder.

"But we were." Jane said proudly placing a kiss on Julia's head.

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